Settlers in Sa-Nur
Photo: Elisha Ben-Kimon

Settlers mark 13 years to evacuation with return to Sa-Nur
Some 200 settlers, joined by Bayit Yehudi MKs Smotrich and Mualem-Rafaeli, arrive in the settlement evacuated during the 2005 Disengagement Plan, to remind government they intend to return there for good one day; 'This is an educational act,' says mother who came with her 7 kids.
Some 200 settlers returned to the evacuated settlement of Sa-Nur in the northern Samaria overnight Monday to mark the 13th anniversary of the evacuation.
The settlers were also joined by MKs Shuli Mualem-Rafaeli and Bezalel Smotrich from Bayit Yehudi.
Settlers from the evacuated settlement of Homesh were behind the move, which was not coordinated with security forces.
"We returned home out of the ideology of love for the Land of Israel. This act has an educational significance," said one of the settlers, Benny Gal.
"Organizing this with the families and the logistics required advanced preparations," Gal continued. "When you go with families to a place that has no electricity or water, there's need for a lot of preparations."
Whole families came to Sa-Nur together. Hanna Goldmintz, who came with her seven children, explained that "this is an educational act, and that is why I chose to come with my children. This is part of our actions to make up for the disgrace of the evacuation that was done here."
Bayit Yehudi MK Shuli Mualem-Rafaeli noted that "Unlike Homesh, which is far more accessible, no one has come to Sa-Nur in a long time."
"Over the past year and a half, we have been pushing for the cancelation of that Disengagement Law that was imposed on the northern Samaria, which unfortunately has gone up to the Ministerial Committee again and again and has failed to pass due to a veto by the prime minister," Mualem-Rafaeli explained.
"As we mark 13 years to the expulsion, to the complete darkness cast over the Jewish settlement that was destroyed in the communities in the northern Samaria, we are turning the light back on. We're still committed to this place," she added.
Her fellow Bayit Yehudi member Bezalel Smotrich asserted that "Mistakes must be remedied. There isn't a child who doesn't understand this expulsion has been foolishness."
"The discussion is with the prime minister and the defense minister. The answer as to why this law hasn't been canceled yet is at the hands of Netanyahu," Smotrich accused. "We already learned that when public pressure is created, we eventually achieve the goal, as we did with the Regulation Law."
The settlement of Sa-Nur was evacuated in 2005 as part of the Gaza Disengagement plan along with other northern Samaria settlements Ganim, Kadim and Homesh.
In the 13 years that have passed since, the evacuated families have been trying to cancel the Disengagement Law in order to return to the northern Samaria.
The settlers organize arrivals of families to the area from time to time in an effort to send a message to the government that they intend to return to their homes.