
Photo:  (ImageSat International (ISI
ISI image, Syria
Photo: (ImageSat International (ISI

Satellite footage of missile site struck in Syria

ISI intelligence released satellite images of the complex in Syria, believed to be an Iranian missile production facility, that suffered an airstrike Saturday, believed to be by Israel; site assumed to be producing more precise missiles but no warheads.

Satellite images released Sunday by Israeli intelligence company ImageSatInternational (ISI) show the results of the airstrike on a military complex in Syria, attributed by foreign media to the Israeli Air Force, on Saturday.



The site is believed to be related to Iranian ambitions to produce precise surface-to-surface missiles on Syrian soil. The images show S-300 anti-aircraft batteries operated by the Assad regime as well as an S-400 battery operated by the Russian military assisting the regime.


ISI satellite image
ISI satellite image


The report by ISI states that the site that was struck is indeed a missile production facility and can be used to assemble missile parts and improve their accuracy.


Airstrike in Syria aftermath
Airstrike in Syria aftermath


ISI images
ISI images


The report also states that the site lacks facilities for the manufacture of missile engines or warheads, as no reinforced structures were observed.




The site was built during the years 2014-2016 on the western section of a Syrian military base and is isolated by a wall.


Entrance to the site is through the base, but it could not be verified who actually controls it, Iranian or Syrian forces.


Satellite imagery
Satellite imagery



It is possible that the base surrounding the complex is for the purpose of disguising the true use of the site. The industrial structures were completely destroyed and other buildings suffered damage as well from the explosions. "All of the equipment inside the structures were completely destroyed," according to the ISI report.



Syrian opposition forces claim that 17 people were injured in the strike including Syrians and Iranian militia personnel. Casualties were reported as well.


Israel is determined to prevent Iran from expanding its military presence in Syria and is especially concerned with Iran's efforts to manufacture highly precise missiles in Syria, which, if launched, can hit Israeli targets in minutes. Iranian militias are also known to be operating in proximity to Israel's northern border including the Syrian section of the Golan Heights.


פרסום ראשון: 04.14.19, 21:11
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