
Photo: Shin Bet media
terror suspect
Photo: Shin Bet media

Israeli Shin Bet foiled Hamas terror attack ahead of Israeli elections

Efforts by Hamas to launch attacks on Israeli targets, continue as supporters are enlisted to carry out the attacks

A 23-year-old man from the village of az-Za'ayyem, near Jerusalem, was arrested late March on suspicion he intended to carry out a suicide car bombing close to Israeli elections. Shin Bet spokesmen announced Sunday.



Yahya Abu Dia told investigators he communicated over the internet with Hamas operatives in Gaza and was conscripted in Gaza and agreed to carry out a suicide mission near the settlement of Maale Adumim targeting soldiers and buses using a car bomb he was instructed to secure. He was also told to prepare a workspace for that purpose.


Yahya Abu Dia
Yahya Abu Dia


Abu Dia's instructions from Gaza included monitoring and surveying best optional locations for the attack. He reported back to Hamas which then decided on the location.


Shin Bet officials tell Ynet there is an ongoing effort on the part of Hamas in Gaza to enlist supporters on the West Bank for the purpose of carrying our attacks and causing instability.


Abu Dia is expected to be indicted within the next few days.


פרסום ראשון: 04.28.19, 11:13
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