
Photo: Shaul Golan
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Zehut Chairman Moshe Feiglin
Photo: Shaul Golan

Netanyahu promises cannabis import laws as part of deal with Feiglin

The ruling Likud joins forces with Moshe Feiglin's party ahead of September elections that would see the Zehut leader becoming a minister in the sphere of either economics of welfare in the Netanyahu government

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Zehut Chairman Moshe Feiglin officially announced Thursday they will run together in the upcoming elections under a special agreement. The deal apparently includes promotion of legislation on imports of medical marijuana and promises the Zionist party leader would become a minister in the sphere of economics or social welfare in the Netanyahu government.



Feiglin hasn't left Zehut as was reported earlier but rather joined his faction to the Likud.


The 57-year-old, an ultranationalist libertarian with a criminal record who left Likud to establish his own fringe party based on promises to legalize marijuana, has gathered a strong following among cannabis proponents during the run-up to the last elections.


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Zehut Chairman Moshe Feiglin (Photo: Shaul Golan)
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Zehut Chairman Moshe Feiglin (Photo: Shaul Golan)


“We are embarking on a joint path to promote values of personal freedom and free economy," said the prime minister during a press conference at Maccabiah Village in Ramat Gan.


"The root of the proposal which Moshe presented me, and with which I absolutely agree with is to open the (medical cannabis) market for import," Netanyahu said, before addressing Feiglin directly, "I see you as a minister in my government, these are not just words, I really mean it."


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Zehut Chairman Moshe Feiglin (Photo: Shaul Golan)
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Zehut Chairman Moshe Feiglin (Photo: Shaul Golan)


Feiglin then took the stage, emphasizing the issue of marijuana legalization for recreational use would be “a life-saving revolution."


“There is also great news for the free and private market, the cost of living - especially for small business owners in Israel - would be lowered,” he said. “For two years, any new business, with a turnover of up to NIS 2 million, will not pay income tax until it has made enough to offset its establishment.”




פרסום ראשון: 08.29.19, 19:12
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