
Photo: Gil Yohanan
Yigal Amir's marriage is still not recognized by Israel; he is also not allowed to consumate it
Photo: Gil Yohanan

Rabin killer's wedding 'pending approval'

Interior Minister Ofir Paz-Pines orders ministry to delay acknowledgment of Rabin killer YIgal Amir's telephone marriage

TEL AVIV - Interior Minister Ofir Pines-Paz has instructed the ministry to delay registration of the marriage of Yigal Amir, the imprisoned killer of Prime Minister Yizhak Rabin.


Amir, an ultranationalist Jew who shot dead Rabin during a peace rally in 1995 in a bid to stop interim peace talks with the Palestinians, and Larissa Trimbobler announced last year that they were married by way of messenger.


They said Amir’s father visited his son and blessed the bride in the name of his son, who is serving a life sentence. 


The Rabbinical Court, which debates law according to biblical decrees, declared the marriage valid but state recognition of the wedding is now pending a decision of Attorney-General Menachem Mazuz.


The Interior Ministry said that according the Marriages Registration Act, the ministry is entitled to assess the circumstances of a wedding before it is registered.


But a source in the ministry say that it is unprecedented for an interior minister to request the government’s legal advisor to look into a wedding that has been approved by the rabinnical court.


The Suprme Court has also rejected Amir’s request to have the union recognized, saying that the man who assassinated  Rabin “still held a murderous and dangerous ideology.”


The Prison Services accepted the Rabbinical Court’s decision but decided that Amir would not be able to consumate the marriage or to be with Trimbobler in private under any circumstances.


פרסום ראשון: 07.25.05, 14:40
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