Hackers attempt second attack against Israeli law firm

Goldfarb-Seligman tells clients reports from the National Cyber Directorate indicate a second suspected attack against the firm in a week

Golan Hazani/Calcalist|
Major Israeli law firm Goldfarb-Seligman reported Monday it was informed by the National Cyber Directorate of a suspected cyberattack against its servers for the second time after attempts to steal sensitive data from the company were carried out last week.
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האקרים פורצים למחשבים
האקרים פורצים למחשבים
(Photo: Shutterstock)
During the first cyberattack against the firm, its local computers were hacked, resulting in the theft of approximately 12,000 emails from its mail server. The firm directly informed the media following the incident, after it failed to do so previously.
To address the breach and mitigate the damage, the firm has brought in cybersecurity experts from Sygnia. Currently, a thorough investigation is underway to determine the full extent of the breach and assess its potential consequences.
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האקרים פורצים למחשבים
האקרים פורצים למחשבים
(Photo: Shutterstock)
"Sygnia, the company handling the cyber incident, is conducting the necessary checks to examine the possible attack. We've instructed them to invest all required resources to complete the investigation as soon as possible," the firm said in an email to clients.
"Although the attack isn't confirmed at this point, we found it appropriate to notify our clients. The firm is working closely with the National Cyber Directorate, and the suspected breach has been reported to the Privacy Protection Authority. We'll continue to report on developments in this matter," the firm added.
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