Summer 3-layered chocolate desert, worth its prep time

All three layers are prepared the same, while your freezer does the heavy lifting

Ayelet Hirshman|
To make this fabulous three-layered chocolate cake there is a straightforward principle, all layers are prepared the same. You melt chocolate, whip cream and after smoothing the mixture in your pan, put it in your freezer and wait. This is will be worth the time.

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עוגת טריקולד קרה
עוגת טריקולד קרה
Three layered chocolate delight
(Photo: Yossi Seliss )

You will need:
200-gram of dark chocolate
3 tbs milk
1.125 litre (38 oz.) full cream
200-gram milk chocolate
2 tbs ground coffee
200-gram white chocolate
1. Melt dark chocolate, add 1 tbs milk and stir until creamy. Set it aside
2. Whip 375 ml. cream. Fold in your melted chocolate and pour into a pan, nice and smooth, then put in the freezer for at least an hour.
3. Repeat using milk chocolate but here add the coffee, place on your frozen layer and let it freeze for at least 2 hours.
4. Repeat using white chocolate, add to the frozen layers and leave it to freeze for at least two hours.
5. Take out your pan and place it in the fridge for 30 minutes, before serving.

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