Albania retracts appointment of Israeli celeb to honorary consul

Almost two months after announcing the appointment of Nicol Reidman, the Albanian government sends an official letter to the Foreign Ministry reversing its decision
The Albanian government informed the Israeli Foreign Ministry that it is reconsidering its intention to appoint Israeli businesswoman and singer Nicole Reidman as Albania's Honorary Consul in Israel.
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Reidman was named as the candidate for the symbolic position earlier this year, but the Foreign Ministry now received word from the Armenian government retracting the candidacy.
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Nicole Reidman
(Photo: Alex Lipkin)
Albania's letter is considered a rare occurrence in diplomatic circles especially since an official request to appoint her to the symbolic position had already been made to the Foreign Ministry and raised in a meeting at the Prime Minister's Office. Reidman is a personal friend of Sara Netanyahu, wife of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
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(Photo: Dana Kopel)
An Honorary Consul is a symbolic position that grants the bearer diplomatic privileges, an official plaque on their home, and the opportunity to represent the appointing country in events and promote the relations between the countries.
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