'Flirting is fun, but show me some intellect': Eden Fines dishes out on secret admirer

After recovering from a medical issue that forced her to postpone a campaign shoot, model opens up about incident, what the doctor prescribed and the secret admirer who keeps sending her flowers both at home and abroad

Bar Zaga|
Earlier this month, just before her first campaign shoot for the fashion brand Top Ten, model Eden Fines woke up to find her face swollen. The shoot was promptly canceled, and Fines rushed to seek medical attention.
After recovering, Fines spoke about the alarming incident during the rescheduled shoot. She revealed the anxiety she experienced and what might have caused the issue. Recently, the model, who called off her wedding and returned to single life, has been receiving attention from a secret admirer—sending her flowers and gifts, even during her overseas shoots. Does it bother her? Not really.
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עדן פינס טופ טן
עדן פינס טופ טן
Eden Fines
(Photo: Dudi Hason)
How are you feeling now, Eden? "Much better than a week ago. Honestly, it was scary. I felt really weak, and when I went to wash my face, I noticed a lump. I looked in the mirror and saw the swelling. The pain was unbearable, and there was no way I could go through with the shoot.
"I was worried about the shoot, the crew, and all the people involved in the day. I figured I'd deal with my situation afterward. You start running scenarios in your head—will this go away, or is it permanent? I finally calmed down after seeing the doctor."
When asked if she had any idea what it could be, Fines said, "Of course, I thought maybe it was an allergic reaction. I tried to think of what I had eaten or done wrong, but nothing stood out. The doctor suggested it was likely an allergic reaction and prescribed steroids. It wasn't fun, but it cleared up within 48 hours."
On a lighter note, Fines was asked about the secret admirer she mentioned on social media. "There are a few admirers—I'm a woman in demand," she laughed. "But yes, I figured out who it is. It took me a few days, but I got there."
Before Fines discovered his identity, the admirer surprised her with flower deliveries not only to her home but also abroad while she was working: "It was very surprising. In Israel, I thought, 'Okay, fine,' but flowers to Saint-Tropez? Impressive."
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עדן פינס טופ טן
Eden Fines
(Photo: Dudi Hason)
When asked if she found it unsettling that someone knew her whereabouts, Fines admitted, "At first, it was a bit unsettling, but you get used to it."
Could this develop into something more? "I don’t feel like anything is on the horizon, but it's a nice feeling to be pursued. To get to the point of a date, there needs to be something more. Flirting is fun, romantic and lovely, but show me some intellect—give me something to think about. Not material things—quite the opposite. I think to reach the point where you make time for someone and give a chance to something more emotional, it has to be much deeper and spiritual."
Fines is currently hosting the new reality show Love Island, which has received mixed reviews from critics and viewers alike.
When asked about the show's reception, Fines responded, "I wouldn’t use the word 'cringey.' I believe they anticipated that it would be something different in the landscape. We have various populations in the country, and for a large group, this is exactly what they want. It’s something fresh, a bit bold, a bit cheeky. We've been missing that lately."
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