Delicious triyaki chicken wings in no time at all

Staple products put together and short baking time result in a meal that is, to borrow from the colonel, 'finger-licking good'

Ester Doron Tsarfati|
1 tbsp oil
1 cup teriyaki sauce
1 tsp pepper
1 tbs sweet paprika
1 tbsp salt
1/2 cup boiling water
Sesame to sprinkle, optional
Heat over to 200°C (400°F)
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מתכונים כנפיים בטריאקי
מתכונים כנפיים בטריאקי
Triyaki chicken wings
(Photo: Ester Doron Tsarfati)
  1. Cover baking pan with baking sheet and place wings, add all ingredients but the water and cover well.
  2. Add water along the sides of the pan and bake for 30 minutes until the wings are brown.
  3. Flip the wings over and bake for another 10 minutes.
You are done. Enjoy
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