Easy-to-make choco-vanilla cookies recipe

 Enjoy making cookies with classic combination of chocolate and vanilla with interchangeable patterns to shake up your dessert

Amit Donskoy|
Do you prefer lighter cookies? You can interchange the choco-vanilla pattern on top of the cookies to change the appearance of the cookies and have fun doing it.
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עוגיות מגולגלות שוקולד וניל
עוגיות מגולגלות שוקולד וניל
Choco-vanilla cookies
(Photo: Sarit Gofen, Design: Amit Donskoy)

Ingredients (about 50 cookies)

1/2 2 cups (350 grams) of flour 3/4 cup (90 grams) powdered sugar 2 egg yolks 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract 200 grams of butter, cut into cubes 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder


1. Put the flour, powdered sugar, egg yolks, vanilla and butter in the mixing bowl with the kneading hook and mix only until a uniform dough is obtained and no more.
2. Stop the mixer and transfer half of the dough to a separate bowl. Add the cocoa to the dough in the mixing bowl and mix until it the dough is uniform.
3. Lightly flour the surface and roll out the cocoa dough into a rectangle about 25 cm long and about 1/2 cm thick. Separately roll the vanilla dough into a rectangle of the same size and place it on the cocoa rectangle. Roll them (from the long side) into a tight roll. Wrap in baking paper and store in the freezer for about 20 minutes.
4. Heat the oven to 170 degrees. Line two pans with baking paper.
5. Take the roll out of the freezer and slice it with a sharp knife into slices about 4 mm thick. Place the slices in the pans, with small distances from each other.
6. Bake for about 15 minutes, until golden. Take them out, cool, and serve.
You can save the cookies for up to two weeks in a closed box.
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