'Music is above politics': What Eurovision fans think of Eden Golan

Despite the tense atmosphere surrounding Israel's participation in the contest, there are fans in Malmo who appreciate Eden Golan's song and some even hope she wins

Eden Golan won a place in the finals of the Eurovision Song Contest on Thursday, delivering Hurricane amidst a chorus of both jeers and thunderous applause from the audience. However, as she sang, the cheers grew louder, reflecting the audience's appreciation for her captivating performance.
Despite the tense atmosphere surrounding Israel's participation in the contest, it turns out there are fans in Malmo who appreciate Golan's song. A Croatian fan even told Ynet, "If Croatia doesn't win, I'll be happy if Israel does." Another fan said he "believes the performances will decide."
What do Eurovision fans think of Eden Golan

Israel's representative faces a unique challenge this year, performing against the backdrop of the war after calls to boycott Israel from many quarters. On Wednesday, during the televised judges' return ahead of the second semi-final, Golan was met with boos from the crowd but refused to be deterred. "Nothing will sway me from my goal. I'm proud to be Israeli," she declared after the incident. Officials from the Israeli broadcasting corporation also responded, saying, "Eden stood on stage during the general rehearsal with pride and delivered an excellent performance. They didn't silence her, and they won't silence us."
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עדן גולן בחזרה שניה לאירוויזיון
עדן גולן בחזרה שניה לאירוויזיון
Eden Golan
(Photo: Gil Nechushtan)
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