Eden Golan forced to disguise appearance during Eurovision, for safety

Singer reveals she had to wear a wig and glasses to alter her appearance, to avoid possible danger as pro-Palestinian protests spread in Malmö

Eden Golan said she had to wear a disguise in Malmo when she was there for her appearance in the Eurovision Song Contest last May. In a heartfelt post on her Instagram page on Thursday, Golan said she wore a wig and glasses to alter her appearance out of safety concerns amid anti-Israeli protests in the Swedish city.
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עדן גולן בתחפושת בשבוע האירוויזיון
עדן גולן בתחפושת בשבוע האירוויזיון
Her disguise during Eurovision
(Photo: Instagram)
"Two months have passed since the Eurovision final. Two months since the crazy journey that became my national and personal mission. An emotional, powerful, complex, challenging, and strengthening journey in a year I knew would be unlike any other," Golan wrote, "I thought long about which picture to share here and chose a moment that initially seemed absurd and funny to me – but no less scary and dangerous. Many know that we were surrounded by the best security guards available to protect our delegation, but they don't know about these moments when I had to disguise myself so that no one would harm me when we went outside."
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עדן גולן נציגת ישראל במסיבת העיתונאים אחרי חצי הגמר השני
עדן גולן נציגת ישראל במסיבת העיתונאים אחרי חצי הגמר השני
During the press conference
(Photo: Gil Nechushtan)
She added, "The fear that they would recognize me because of the country I come from, which is a part of me and which I am proud to represent every day anew, is incomprehensible to me. Sadly, we have returned to times when a Jewish and Israeli woman must hide so that she won't be harmed. For me, this was a moment I will remember all my life. I know that better days will come. I pray every day that they will arrive. We will never forget what we went through, but I hope that we will all find strength and unite."
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