Medals for Israelis at the Olympics: Embodying joy

For a long time, it was Russia, the United States and European nations that ruled the roost when it came to bringing home Olympic medals, now Israel has its own string of brilliant Olympians, and hearing 'Hatikvah' whenever they win, swells our collective national heart

Nadav Zenziper|
Athens 2004. At the Olympic sailing venue, Gal Fridman, with astonishing composure, ascends to the top of the podium, becoming Israel's first Olympic champion. Not only did he make history, but he also vanquished the local Greek star, the great hope of the hosts. The Israeli flag fluttered in the Mediterranean breeze, and we all stood there, tears in our eyes, witnessing a moment that for decades seemed like an impossible dream, an unattainable pinnacle for Israeli sports.
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Artem Dolgopyat
(Photo: Matthias Hangst)
I've attended five Olympics. I've had the honor of covering nearly half of Israel's Olympic medal wins. I've been up close to the greatest moments in Israeli sports. Each time, with every achievement, every medal, my heart swells with pride and excitement as if it were the first. There's nothing like seeing an Israeli athlete standing on the highest podium and then hearing the national anthem, piercing the heart with joy. It's a whirlwind of positive emotions, showing how sports excellence can momentarily transform our small, battle-scarred country into a superpower.
Seventeen years later, it happened again. It wasn't the first time, but it was just as sweet. Suddenly, tiny little Israel has gold medals in gymnastics, one of the most prestigious Olympic disciplines. Artem Dolgopyat and Linoy Ashram, who broke the Russian monopoly, showed us that even in the grandest sports, we possess an undeniable voice.
When the blue-and-white flag with the Star of David in the center slowly rises to the ceiling of the world's greatest sports venues, that's when Israeli hearts tremble, the happiest moment imaginable, a surge of national pride that overwhelms you, even if you're just a casual Israeli not very familiar with the event.
For everyone sitting at home, in front of the TV in the living room, it's an exhilarating experience. The entire nation was glued to Ashram's routines or Dolgopyat's remarkable performance, fervently hoping the Russian competitor would drop the ball or the British rival would stumble. And when the dust settles, when an Israeli athlete conquers the highest and toughest peak, we celebrate together.
That's who we are: at the end of the day, we want to feel not just a real part of the world's greatest sports party, but also that our country, where sports isn't necessarily woven into our DNA, where investment in sports isn't a top priority, can compete with the world's sports superpowers. And yes, sometimes even beat them. That's why every achievement, big or small, gives us a reason to smile and believe that anything is possible.
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Olympic gold medalist Linoy Ashram posing with Elmo and Moishe Oofnik, Aug. 11, 2022
Olympic gold medalist Linoy Ashram posing with Elmo and Moishe Oofnik, Aug. 11, 2022
Olympic gold medalist Linoy Ashram posing with Elmo and Moishe Oofnik, Aug. 11, 2022
(Photo: Nir Stolo/Courtesy of Hop Media Group)
For so many years, these moments were just fantasies. So many times we've seen Israeli athletes come as close as possible only to be disappointed, or even crash spectacularly. But as time goes on, we are still making progress. Yes, our sports are still lagging. We still have so much to learn from the world about how to do it right. Nevertheless, these moments where a champion is born before our eyes are what give us inspiration and national pride.
Maybe in the upcoming Paris Olympics, we'll experience these amazing feelings again. We have a solid foundation to build on. We've never had such a talented and accomplished delegation. Four reigning world champions will be at the games: Dolgopyat, the rhythmic gymnastics team, sailor Sharon Kantor, and judoka Inbar Lanir. This is the highest quality batch of achievements Israel has ever known.
Victory encapsulates joy. A whirlwind of positive emotions, showing how sports excellence can transform our small, battle-scarred country into a superpower.
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