Noa Kirel and Bayern Munich goalkeeper Daniel Peretz are engaged

The touching proposal took place at a marina in Herzliya, and the couple got engaged after a year of relationship

Bar Zaga|
Israeli pop star Noa Kirel, 23, and her partner, Bayern Munich goalkeeper Daniel Peretz, 24, got engaged on Friday after a year of dating.
The touching proposal took place at a marina in Herzliya, where Peretz knelt and Kirel said "yes."
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נועה קירל
נועה קירל
Kirel and Peretz showing off the ring
(Photo: Instagram)
The couple started dating in July of last year, and a month later, Peretz signed a five-year contract with the German soccer club.
Since then, he has been based in Europe, which required the couple to maintain a long-distance relationship, with Kirel making frequent visits.
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נועה קירל
נועה קירל
Noa Kirel and Daniel Peretz
(Photo: Instagram)
Before Peretz, Kirel was in a three-year relationship with the well-known Israeli singer and actor Jonathan Mergui. They broke up in September 2021, and she soon began dating model Tomer Hacohen. After their split last summer, Kirel started her relationship with Peretz.
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