From grandma's kitchen: Meatballs in rich caramelized onion and zucchini sauce

A main dish brimming with warmth and love; Just add rice, and you have a heartwarming meal that feels like home, perfect for any gathering or special occasion
Dana Reicher|
My family's signature dish: Every time I visited my grandmother, may she rest in peace, I hoped to see these meatballs. She knew how much I loved them, and every visit, a fragrant pot with meatballs and white rice awaited me. It's a vivid childhood memory for me. My grandmother never left a clear recipe behind, but the taste was deeply etched in my memory, and over the years, I've managed to replicate and perfect it. Today, it's a staple recipe in our home.
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For the meatballs:
  • 500g ground chicken
  • 500g ground turkey
  • 1 onion, grated
  • 1 sweet potato, grated
  • 4 garlic cloves, crushed
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 bunch cilantro
  • 1 cup panko breadcrumbs (or regular breadcrumbs)
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon baharat
  • 1 level teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 level teaspoon baking soda
  • A pinch of black pepper
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לראש השנה: קציצות ברוטב קישואים
לראש השנה: קציצות ברוטב קישואים
Meatballs in zucchini sauce
(Photo: Dana Reicher)
For the sauce:
  • Oil
  • 10 onions, peeled and sliced
  • Water
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1 teaspoon baharat
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper
  • 4 zucchinis, halved and sliced
  1. Mix all the meatball ingredients in a bowl. If possible, chill in the fridge for half an hour to set (optional).
  2. Preheat the oven to 180°C (356°F) or set to grill.
  3. With greased hands, shape the mixture into meatballs. Bake for about 7 minutes, then set aside.
  1. Coat the bottom of a pot with oil. Add the onions and enough water to cover them. Bring to a boil with the lid on. Once boiling, remove the lid and let the water reduce, making sure not to burn the onions. Once a caramel scent begins, stir gently from the center out. Continue to cook until onions are golden and caramelized, stirring occasionally.
  2. Add spices to the pot and stir. Add zucchinis for a light sear.
  3. Add meatballs and 3 cups of water. Simmer on medium heat for about 25 minutes, or until the sauce is reduced to your liking. Serve, preferably with white rice.
Dana Reicher is a food blogger specializing in Asian cuisine. Instagram: danareicher, TikTok: dana_reicher.
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