A sitcom is in production for Russian television centered around U.S. President Joe Biden, that is due to air in 2025 on the Russian TV network TNT.
The series called "Goodbye," revolves around an American leader who travels to Russia in disguise to figure out why American sanctions against Russia were not working, TNT announced in a press release.
But during his visit, Biden loses his passport and is trapped in Russia. He is forced to live in an old Soviet-era apartment and work as an English teacher. While he is trying to make the money to buy a new passport, "CIA agents abduct a Russian pensioner who resembles the president and take him to America.
Russian actor Dmitri Dyuzhev has already been cast in the lead role for the comedy scheduled to be broadcast after Biden leaves office.
"I am very curious to see how this daring experiment of ours turns out," Dyuzhev said, "and if the audience will see some of Biden in me and some of me in him. I can promise this will be a nice, realistic and funny story."