LA to host Israeli culinary pop-up event

Starting this October, Tel Aviv Groove events to bring the Israeli kitchen to Los Angeles.; Three Israeli chefs to collaborate with local restaurants to present gourmet dishes from the unique Mediterranean cuisine
A three day event in Los Angeles later this month, hopes to introduce local residents to Israeli cuisine, Middle East delicacies and Jewish gastronomy.
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  • After Israeli chef's have made a name for themselves on the international scene, organizers of the pop- up Tel Aviv Groove, taking place October 19-21, hope to attract crowds to chefs already working among them, and others who will travel from Israel especially, to participate.
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    תל אביב גרוב: דנה לי ברמן, יונתן שרביט ואפי כוץ
    תל אביב גרוב: דנה לי ברמן, יונתן שרביט ואפי כוץ
    Israeli chefs Efi Kotz, Jonathan Sharvit, and Danna-Lee Berman who will take part in LA pop up Tel Aviv Groove
    (Photo: Gil Aviram)
    To kick off the event, a Tel Aviv-style party is planned for the October 19 at Beverly Hill's Nua Mediterranean restaurant by Israeli Chef Yoav Schverd, who currently lives in LA with his family.
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    Yoav Schverd
    Yoav Schverd
    Yoav Schverd
    The pop-up’s first dinner will be at LA's Italian-Croatian restaurant Divino. A gourmet meal will be co-created by the restaurant chef Goran Milic and Kobi Bachar.
    The pop-up will feature dishes by Israeli chefs Kobi Bachar, Jonathan Sharvit and Danna-Lee Berman, accompanied by wines from Israeli sommelier Efi Kotz who will present Binyamina winery's finest products.
    Orly Segal, the creator of Tel Aviv Groove will be supervising the event and its honored guests.
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    תל אביב גרוב
    תל אביב גרוב
    A dish made by Kobi Bachar
    (Photo: Haim Yossef)
    The second day of the pop-up will take place on the rooftop of The Beverly Hilton hotel, at Santolina Restaurant.
    The chef Burt Buckman will host Jonathan Sharvit, and the two will cook up a divine Tel Aviv inspired meal.
    On the same day, Chef Adir Cohen and Executive Chef Liad Ichie will host Danna-Lee Berman, and show their skills at Next Door - their upscale Mediterranean restaurant. Also, Savida's Chef Dan Smulowitz and Kobi Bachar will offer an exquisite ocean-to-table menu in the Santa Monica spot.
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    תל אביב גרוב
    תל אביב גרוב
    Tel Aviv Groove
    (Photo: Haim Yossef)
    The third and last day of Tel Aviv Groove’s culinary pop-up will invite guests to a closing event and a Friday Night meal, welcoming the Shabbat, at Nua.
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