Sweeten your weekend with this easy-to-make classic biscuit cake

Enjoy the nostalgic taste of the simple biscuit cake which every Israeli knows and loves to prepare and eat

Idit Hayat|


• 500 ml of whipping cream, cold • 1.5 cups (360 ml) + about 1/2 cup (120 ml) of milk • 8-10 tablespoons of instant vanilla pudding • 1-2 teaspoons of vanilla extract • 500 grams of biscuits • Optional: about 50 grams of dark chocolate for decorating
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עוגת ביסקוויטים קלאסית
עוגת ביסקוויטים קלאסית
Classic biscuit cake
(Photo: Yossi Sils, Design: Natasha Haimovich)


1. Pour the cream, a cup and a half of the milk, and the instant pudding into the mixing bowl. Whip it until firm (4-5 minutes, start slowly and gradually increase the speed).
2. Pour the remaining milk and the vanilla extract into the bowl and mix. Dip biscuits and place them in the pan close to each other to completely cover the bottom.
3. Transfer about 1/3 of the cream to the pan and smooth it into an even layer.
4. Create two more layers the same way (if necessary, mix more milk and vanilla extract, for dipping). If you want, use a vegetable peeler to carve chocolate curls directly on the cake (you can also grate them).
5. Cover the pan and store in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours. Serve cold.
You can store it in the refrigerator up to 3-4 days.
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