No A+ on an empty stomach: Best meals for kids at school

With children increasingly indulging in fast food and sugary snacks, it's crucial to reintroduce nutritious meals like whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables as they return to school, promoting lifelong healthy eating habits and increasing the likelihood of higher exam results 

Moran Kilzi|
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As summer draws to a close, the start of the school year is just around the corner, contingent on the global and local security and political climates. What was once a season synonymous with play and abundant physical activity has transformed into a period where many children develop less healthy eating habits and spend more time in front of screens.
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תזונה לתלמידים בבית הספר
תזונה לתלמידים בבית הספר
(Photo: shutterstock)
The ease with which kids slip into unhealthy dietary patterns during the summer break is truly alarming. The absence of a structured daily routine, the abundance of sweet and salty snacks, and a reliance on fast food foster poor eating habits that can affect their health in both the short and long term. In Israel, as in many parts of the world, childhood obesity rates are climbing at a concerning pace. Poor nutrition during this time can lead to fatigue, concentration issues, digestive problems and weight gain. The return to school presents a unique opportunity to reset dietary habits, reestablish a healthy, nutritious routine, and equip children with the tools they need to handle dietary temptations throughout the year.

Breakfast: The day’s most crucial meal

Breakfast acts as the brain’s fuel, supplying essential energy and nutrients needed for focus, learning and growth. However, many children skip this vital meal before heading off to school. Missing breakfast can negatively impact concentration and academic performance throughout the day. Without adequate morning energy, children might experience difficulties concentrating, fatigue and hunger during the early hours of school.
Incorporating whole grains rich in fiber and B vitamins, proteins from sources like eggs and yogurt, and colorful fruits and vegetables supplying vital vitamins and minerals will ensure children start their day feeling refreshed and sated, ready to tackle any academic challenges.
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ילדה אוכלת שיבולת שועל ארוחת בוקר תזונה בריאה
ילדה אוכלת שיבולת שועל ארוחת בוקר תזונה בריאה
(Photo: Shutterstock)
Healthy breakfast ideas:
  • Oatmeal: Cooked oats topped with fresh fruit and a drizzle of honey.
  • Yogurt with granola: Natural yogurt paired with homemade, nutrient-rich granola.
  • Whole grain sandwich: With healthy spreads like avocado, cottage cheese or hummus.

Mid-Morning Snack: The sustaining fuel

While breakfast gets the day started, the mid-morning snack is the fuel that keeps us going. Just as breakfast replenishes energy reserves after sleep, the mid-morning snack provides the boost needed to maintain concentration, enhance academic performance and prevent a dip in blood sugar levels, ensuring children receive all the nutrients essential for proper growth and development.

Returning home for lunch

After a long school day, children return home exhausted, making a nutritious lunch the perfect opportunity to refuel their bodies. Combining whole grains, legumes, vegetables and fruits will ensure a lasting feeling of fullness and reduce the temptation for sugar- and fat-laden snacks.
Tasty and healthy lunch ideas:
  • Meat-based meal: A dish like chicken breast paired with whole grains such as bulgur or whole couscous, complemented by fresh or cooked vegetables. It’s advisable to include legumes like lentils, peas and chickpeas, which are rich in protein and dietary fiber.
  • Vegetarian meal: A stir-fry featuring tofu, noodles, and vegetables, or whole couscous with a sauce rich in chickpeas and veggies.
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תזונה לתלמידים בבית הספר
תזונה לתלמידים בבית הספר
(Photo: shutterstock)
Remember, the dietary habits we cultivate in childhood accompany us for life. Let’s make school a place where we learn to appreciate vegetables, fruits and whole grains.
For dinner, it's recommended to include protein, complex carbohydrates and fresh vegetables. For children involved in sports activities after school, it's crucial to provide them with a light, nutritious snack before training. This could include fruit, yogurt with granola, or a whole-grain sandwich with hummus spread. This light meal will provide readily available energy for physical activity without burdening the digestive system.
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