Government minister's son disinvites politicians from his wedding following hostages' murders

Singer Eliav Zohar, son of Culture and Sports Minister Miki Zohar, and his fiancée disinvite politicians from their wedding on Sunday following the murder of the six hostages by Hamas in Gaza

Following the devastating news of the murder of six hostages in Gaza by Hamas, the singer Eliav Zohar, son of Culture and Sports Minister Miki Zohar, and his bride-to-be, Sapir, asked the politicians not to attend their wedding that will take place on Sunday.
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אליאב זוהר, גמר "הכוכב הבא" 2022
אליאב זוהר, גמר "הכוכב הבא" 2022
Eliav Zohar
(Photo: Ortal Dahan)
Miki Zohar sent a personal message to the other government ministers through the government secretary and wrote: "Dear friends, as you know, tonight my beloved eldest son, Eliav, will marry the choice of his heart, Sapir. Most of my friends here were invited and I would be happy to celebrate together the happiest day in my son's life. Due to the great pain from the recent tragic events, the bride and groom decided to change the nature of the wedding and, at their request, it is better not to have political symbols in the wedding considering the circumstances and not to hurt the feelings of the people of Israel. In prayer and hope for better days and only happiness for our special people."
Israeli singing stars Eden Ben Zaken, Lior Narkis, Skazi and Dudu Aharon were supposed to perform at the wedding, but their performances also were canceled due to the somberness of the day. Senior officials from the business and political elite as well as from the world of culture and sports were invited to the wedding. At the request of the bride and groom, there will be no politicians at the wedding.
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אליאב זוהר עם בת הזוג ספיר מסיקה
אליאב זוהר עם בת הזוג ספיר מסיקה
Zohar and his fiancee
(Photo: Private album)
Zohar became famous after winning the reality show "Rising Star" and in an interview with Ynet he referred to his warm relationship with his father, Miki. "He is always available for me. He is always there for me. I can always call him for advice or just tell him about my day." Every time I call him he's the sweetest dad in the world. He's an amazing person before he's a politician. Before he's Miki Zohar, he's my father and I'm his son. Remember that when you look at politicians, they're human beings and have children at home," he said.
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