Fauda star after injury at war: 'Being able to walk is a miracle'

Idan Amedi who was severely injured in the fighting in Gaza posts clip showing him walking a short distance; 'A mother's excitement over her 35-year-old son's simple walk for a few meters—that's everything, a world unto itself'    

Fauda Star Idan Amedi, who was severely injured in the fighting in Gaza earlier this year, shared footage on Tuesday of his rehabilitation in the hospital and is seen walking a short distance.
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עידן עמדי
Fauda star Idan Amedi
"Reminding myself that everything is a miracle. Nothing in this life should be taken for granted," Amedi wrote in the caption. "We all learned this the hard way over the past year. This land, its people, the sense of security, while moments, sunrise, sunset, a mother's excitement over her 35-year-old son's simple walk for a few meters. Nothing is to be taken for granted. Everything is a world unto itself.
"Six months have passed, and I watch the few videos from the hospital every few days to remind myself that everything is a miracle," he continued. "Returning to play music, watching soccer with friends, taking my daughter to her swimming lessons, laughing, crying, missing those who are no longer here. Nothing is to be taken for granted in this life. Even if sometimes I forget."
Amedi had been serving in the reserves as a combat engineer since October 7, until he was severely wounded in Gaza in January. He was evacuated to Sheba Medical Center, where he was sedated and ventilated with shrapnel injuries all over his body.
He was treated and released from the trauma unit after several days, followed by his discharge from the hospital as his condition improved. It has since been reported that the musician is currently working on a new album.
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