Disneyland employee dies after falling from golf cart

Disneyland Resort President Ken Potrock expresses condolences and offers support to employee's family and coworkers; concerns raised about attempts to silence discussions of incident, causing disagreement among employees

Bonnye Mavis Lear, a 60-year-old Disneyland employee who worked at the exclusive Club 33 for 24 years, passed away on June 7, 2024, two days after falling from a moving golf cart and suffering severe head trauma in a backstage area of the theme park on June 5.
Lear was traveling on the rear of the golf cart alongside three passengers when they hit a bump, causing her to strike her head. She was transported to a local hospital in grave condition, where doctors performed surgery, but she was declared brain dead. The Orange County Coroner spokesperson Sgt. Frank Gonzalez confirmed her death.
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Disneyland Resort President Ken Potrock expressed condolences and offered support to Lear's family and coworkers. Concerns were raised about attempts to silence discussions of the incident, causing disagreement among employees.
The Anaheim Police Department confirmed the details and launched an investigation by traffic detectives into the incident.
This article was written in collaboration with Generative AI news company Alchemiq
Sources: Los Angeles Times, Fox News, CBS, New York Post, The Epoch Times, Yahoo News, theubj.com, wionews.com, canoe.com, tdpelmedia.com, piratesandprincesses.net, patch.com, dailymail.co.uk.
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