Tarantino and Israeli wife welcome baby boy

The representatives for the filmmaker, 56, and the singer-model, 36, say they are 'happy to announce the birth of their first child,' who was born at Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv on Saturday
Legendary film director Quentin Tarantino and his Israeli wife Daniella Pick on Saturday welcomed a baby boy.
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  • The baby, who was born at Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv, is the first child for both the filmmaker, 56, and the singer-model, 36.
    "Daniella and Quentin Tarantino are happy to announce the birth of their first child," said a representative of the couple.
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    Quentin Tarantino and his Israeli wife Daniella Pick
    Quentin Tarantino and his Israeli wife Daniella Pick
    Quentin Tarantino and his Israeli wife Daniella Pick
    (Photo: Getty Images)
    Pick is a model and the daughter of famous Israeli musician, Svika Pick. The pair met when Tarantino was promoting his 2009 film “Inglourious Basterds,” which told the story of a group of Jewish soldiers killing Nazis during WWII, in Israel
    Tarantino and Pick got engaged in July 2017 and tied the knot in November 2018 in an intimate ceremony at their Beverly Hills home.
    In August it was announced the couple was expecting their first child.
    The pair moved to Tel Aviv shortly after for the birth of the baby and have rented a house for NIS 80,000 per month in an affluent area in North Tel Aviv.
    The name of the boy has not yet been revealed.
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