Israeli movie and music stars reject boycott of LGBTQ Film Festival

Public letter by 200 prominent figures says 'in Israel, movies have unique power to bring together Jews, Arabs, and people of all races'; BDS movement claims Israeli government exploits LGBTQ+ rights to project progressive image
The International LGBTQ+ Film Festival will host its 17th edition in Israel’s coastal city of Tel Aviv this year, to the anticipation of movie buffs and the dismay of the BDS movement.
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  • From October 27 to November 5, at the Tel Aviv Cinematheque and Jaffa’s Ennis Stage, 182 films from 39 countries will be showcased for TLVFest – the biggest of its kind in Israel.
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    מצעד הגאווה במצפה רמון
    מצעד הגאווה במצפה רמון
    Israel's annual Gay Pride Parade
    (Photo: Roee Idan)
    Ahead of the festival, more than 200 prominent figures in the entertainment industry signed a public letter against cultural boycotts of Israel, in response to calls from the Boycott, Divestments and Sanctions (BDS) movement to reject the event.
    On its website, BDS says: "Pinkwashing is an Israeli government propaganda strategy that cynically exploits LGBTQIA+ rights to project a progressive image while concealing Israel’s occupation and apartheid policies oppressing Palestinians."
    "Pinkwashing" refers to promoting LGBTQ+ rights to distract from or improve an entity's – such as a country, public figure, or company – tarnished reputation.
    Signatories included actors Neil Patrick Harris, Mayim Bialik, Mila Kunis, Helen Mirren, and Zach Quinto, as well as musicians Sia and Gene Simmons.
    “In Israel, movies have the unique power to bring together Jews, Arabs, and people of all races, ethnicities, and backgrounds in collaboration under a shared love of the arts, working together towards the common goal of telling their stories and building bridges of compassion and understanding,” the letter read.
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    מצעד הגאווה בתל אביב
    מצעד הגאווה בתל אביב
    Annual Gay Pride Parade
    (Photo: Yair Sagi)
    “[TLVFest] embodies this spirit of unity and truth, featuring films from filmmakers of all backgrounds, including Palestinians,” it continued.
    “For this reason, we reject any attempt to boycott TLVFest… which works to showcase the stories of LGBTQ people globally and create a brighter future for LGBTQ people both inside Israel and around the world.”
    In Israel – Tel Aviv particularly – members of the LGBTQ+ community face one of the most open-minded environments in the region, allowing the Jewish state’s coastal city to be nicknamed the “gay capital of the Middle East.”
    "We're very happy and thankful for the hundreds of entertainment people supporting TLVFest," Yair Hochner, founder and director of TLVFest, told i24NEWS.
    "We're very proud of this year's program and waiting for the beginning of the festival," he added, noting that opening night has been sold out "for a few weeks now."

    Reprinted with permission from i24NEWS.
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