Quentin Tarantino reinvents how to wear a bandana in Tel Aviv

Paparazzi catches the Hollywood director on the streets of Tel Aviv, setting a new bandana trend; Will it catch on? Only time will tell
Yoni Froim|
Hollywood film director Quentin Tarantino is a renowned individual when it comes to movies, but now we can also start to call him a fashionista and influencer. We met Tarantino in central Tel Aviv. He usually stands out, but imagine what happens when he puts a bright red bandana on his head in an original manner. Can you spot the trendsetter?
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פפראצי קוונטין טרנטינו בתל אביב
פפראצי קוונטין טרנטינו בתל אביב
Tarantino caught in the act of setting new trend
Just like every time we meet a famous person, we shouted hello and tried to start a conversation, but apparently his Hebrew is still not fluent enough, or that's what we try to tell ourselves. At the next meeting, we promise to speak in fluent English.
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