Shopping at a sex shop dressed as nuns: Whoopi Goldberg, Sisters Act stars reveal juicy film anecdote in reunion

Original choir students performed on The View with Goldberg wearing her Sister Mary Clarence costume

Whoopi Goldberg, Kathy Najimy and Wendy Makkena humorously acknowledged purchasing a sex toy in a sex shop while dressed as nuns while on a break from the set of the movie "Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit." The anecdote was revealed in a 30th-anniversary reunion on the shoe "The Event."
The reunion featured Goldberg, Najimy, Sheryl Lee Ralph, Makkena, music supervisor Marc Shaiman, and music producer Mervyn Warren.
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Whoopi Goldberg
(Photo: AP)
Warren revealed that Goldberg's voice was not used for the iconic "la, la, las" in the "Oh Happy Day" scene; instead, he recorded placeholders, including his own vocals, with other cast members.
Ralph's memorable quote about singing and not paying the bills became a viral meme, and a video featuring clips from the scene and her musical performances was shown.
The original choir students performed on "The View" with Goldberg wearing her Sister Mary Clarence costume.
A third "Sister Act" film is in development at Disney, with Goldberg and Tyler Perry involved. Goldberg tried to convince Maggie Smith to join the cast.
Najimy expressed her love for the first film and awe for the sequel, praising the children in the cast for making it even better.
The cast reunited with young performers to perform "Oh Happy Day," with Goldberg wearing her Sister Mary Clarence costume.
Goldberg has been using her platform on The View to discuss the "Sister Act" universe, including the upcoming "Sister Act 3," though its progression has been slower within the Hollywood system.
This article was written in collaboration with Generative AI news company Alchemiq
Sources: CNN Brasil, E! Online, Entertainment Weekly, Metro UK, and The Hollywood Reporter.
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