Pregnant viper snake rescued from an apartment in Haifa

The viper was rescued and examined by a snake catcher and an Israel Nature and Parks Authority, and was safely returned to the wild

A pregnant viper caught in plastic in a Haifa apartment was rescued by a snake catcher and a ranger from the Israel Nature and Parks Authority. The snake was later released in a safe location.
Snake catcher Dagan Erez was called to the apartment after the viper got stuck in a pool pump. He called Shay Kabesa, a ranger from the Israel Nature and Parks Authority, to assist with the complex rescue.
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אחד מחזיק בראש, שני בזנב ושלישי מנסה להוריד את הפלסטיק
אחד מחזיק בראש, שני בזנב ושלישי מנסה להוריד את הפלסטיק
The viper that was found in a Haifa apartment
(Photo: Israel Nature and Parks Authority)
“When I saw the snake, I immediately recognized it was a pregnant female,” Kabesa said. “She was tightly trapped in the plastic, and we were concerned for her life. Fortunately, with special tools and great care, the catcher and I managed to free her.”
After the viper was freed from the plastic, Kabesa examined her to ensure she was unharmed. The viper was then safely returned to the wild.
Rescuing the viper snake from a plastic pool pump
(Video: Israel Nature and Parks Authority)
“The close cooperation between rangers and certified snake catchers often saves snakes from certain death,” Dagan said. “As a reptile enthusiast, I am grateful for this.”
The Israel Nature and Parks Authority emphasizes that snakes are protected species and should not be harmed. Snakes play a crucial role in the ecosystem as predators of rodents and other pests, helping control populations of rats and mice, thus contributing to public health.

What to do if you encounter a snake? The Israel Nature and Parks Authority advises:

Keep your distance - Do not try to catch or kill the snake. Simply move away slowly and carefully.
Call for help - If the snake is in your home or a public area, contact your local municipality, the Israel Nature and Parks Authority, or certified snake catchers. They will handle the snake professionally and safely.
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