Record hatch of near-extinct Siamese crocodiles sparks hope

60 baby Siamese crocodiles hatched in June from wild nests in Cambodia's Cardamom National Park and other wildlife sanctuaries

60 baby Siamese crocodiles hatched in June from wild nests in Cambodia's Cardamom National Park and other wildlife sanctuaries. The critically endangered crocodile is known for its olive-green color and bony crest.
This is the largest breeding event for the Siamese crocodile in the 21st century and is considered a "real sign of hope" for the species' survival.
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The success is attributed to collaborative conservation efforts involving conservationists, local NGOs, the Cambodian government, Indigenous communities, and private-public partnerships.
These efforts include breeding and reintroduction programs, community-led monitoring, anti-poaching activities, and habitat protection aimed at reviving the crocodile population.
This article was written in collaboration with Generative AI news company Alchemiq
Sources: Independent, PopSci, CNN, BBC, NYTimes, India TV, WeatherNewsPoint, AhmedabadMirror, TheClevelandAmerican, TaipeiTimes, Geographical, PhilstarLife, GoodNewsNetwork, Xinhua, Standard.
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