Israel logs over 6,000 new COVID cases for first time since September

Health Ministry says contagion rate also highest since September at nearly 5%; virus' reproduction number sees another slight increase, while tally of severe patients grows by 33%; country's list of 'red' local authorities now includes Tel Aviv
Yaron Druckman|
Israel on Monday reported over 6,000 new daily COVID cases diagnosed the previous day, marking the highest single-day tally since September.
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  • The Health Ministry said 6,562 people tested positive for coronavirus on Sunday out of some 140,000 tests conducted - putting the national infection rate at 4.83% - putting both figures at their highest since September.
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    עומס במתחם בדיקות קורונה בקיסריה
    עומס במתחם בדיקות קורונה בקיסריה
    People getting tested for COVID in Caesarea
    (Photo: Sharon Tzur)
    Meanwhile, Israel's coronavirus R number — which gauges how many new cases crop up as a result of a single infection — has also increased and now stands at 1.88, which indicates the accelerated spread of the pathogen.
    Israeli hospitals are currently treating 203 COVID patients, of whom 110 are in serious condition, a marked increase of no less than 33% compared to last week, but a slight decrease compared to Sunday night.
    Since the start of the pandemic, 8,244 Israelis succumbed to coronavirus-related complications.
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    תורים לבדיקות קורונה ברחבת מוזיאון תל אביב
    תורים לבדיקות קורונה ברחבת מוזיאון תל אביב
    People waiting to get tested for COVID in Tel Aviv
    (Photo: Moti Kimchi)
    The country's list of "red" local authorities - where a significant spike in COVID infections has been reported - also continues to grow amid the Omicron's spread, and now includes the central cities of Tel Aviv, Ramat Gan, Rehovot, and Petah Tikva,
    The rest of Israel's red local authorities are: Ma'ale Adumim, Revava, Kiryat Ono, Ganei Tikva, Mevaseret Zion, Or Yehuda, Kadima-Tzoran, Beit Dagan, Shoham, Kfar Kanna, Hod Hasharon, Yavne, Raanana, Beit El, Azur, Givat Shmuel, Yad Binyamin, Geva Binyamin, Ramat Hasharon, Ness Ziona, Rishon Lezion, Tzur Hadassah, Bracha, Kfar Adumim, Givat Ze'ev, Karmiel, Even Yehuda, Hashmonaim, Givatayim, Alon Hagalil, Alon Shvut, Modiin Maccabim Reut, Mitzpe Jericho, Rosh HaAyin, Holon and Nazareth.
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