Israel says negotiating Pfizer surplus with other countries

Bennett speaks with Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla about securing more vaccines, while Health Ministry's DG says that after deal with Britain fell through, the ministry began looking elsewhere to unload unspecified number of jabs, set to expire July 31
Reuters, Ynet|Updated:
Israel is in talks with other countries about a deal to unload its surplus of Pfizer/BioNtech COVID-19 vaccines, doses of which are due to expire by the end of the month, officials said on Sunday.
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  • Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said he spoke with Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla about securing more vaccines for Israel and about possible deals to swap vaccines between Israel and other countries, though he did not say which ones.
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    נפתלי בנט אלברט בורלא
    נפתלי בנט אלברט בורלא
    Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla
    (Photo: Reuters; March of the Living PR)
    The Prime Minister's Office said in a statement that Bennett "thanked the CEO of Pfizer for his close cooperation in bringing vaccines to the State of Israel."
    The statement added, "the two maintain continued phone contact" and have discussed strategies for dealing with the virus, "with an emphasis on existing and future variants".
    "Contacts are being handled by the Health Ministry, Foreign Ministry and the National Security Council," Bennett's office added.
    The director-general of the Health Ministry, Hezi Levi, said in an interview with Radio 103 FM that the doses expire on July 31 and that any deal would have to win Pfizer's approval.
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    חזי לוי
    חזי לוי
    Health Ministry Director-General Prof. Hezi Levi
    (Photo: Alex Kolomoisky)
    In an interview with Radio 103 FM, he confirmed that such a deal had been discussed with Britain last week but said an agreement had not materialized and was "a thing of the past".
    Sources put the amount of doses at about 1 million.
    "We are negotiating with other countries," Levi told Radio 103 FM, without naming them. "We are dealing with this day and night."
    He said the doses expire on July 31 and that any deal would have to win Pfizer's approval.
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    Preparing the Pfizer vaccine for administration
    Preparing the Pfizer vaccine for administration
    Preparing the Pfizer vaccine for administration
    (Photo: AP)
    A Pfizer spokesperson said the company "is happy to discuss potential donations requests of the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID vaccine between governments on a case-by-case basis, particularly if this helps ensure the vaccine is used to protect people from this disease".
    Last month the Palestinians rejected about a million doses from Israel, saying they were too close to their expiry date.
    Israel launched in December one of the world's fastest vaccine drives and has since vaccinated nearly 90% of people over the age of 50, a group considered to be at the highest risk from the coronavirus.
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    תורי ענק בהמתנה לקבל חיסון נגד קורונה בכיכר רבין, תל אביב
    תורי ענק בהמתנה לקבל חיסון נגד קורונה בכיכר רבין, תל אביב
    Israelis waiting in line to receive the COVID vaccine in Tel Aviv, January 2021
    (Photo: Moti Kimchi)
    Overall, however, around a fifth of all eligible Israelis have not yet had the vaccine, according to health ministry data.
    With infections falling from more than 10,000 daily cases in January to single digits, Israel, with a population of 9.3 million, has dropped nearly all coronavirus curbs.
    But an uptick of cases that began in mid-June, attributed to the more contagious Delta variant, may bring some restrictions back, Levi said.
    Vaccination rates peaked in January and gradually fell until June, when 12 to 15-year-olds were made eligible for the jab. Delta's spread, particularly among schoolchildren, has spurred parents to get their children inoculated and the rate has increased five-fold since early June.
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    נערים מתחסנים
    נערים מתחסנים
    Teenagers receiving the COVID vaccine after 12 to 15-year-olds were made eligible for the jab
    (Photo: Reuters)
    Levi said Pfizer's vaccine was about 85-88% effective against the delta variant, a high figure but lower in comparison with its effectiveness against other strains.
    He based that figure on a British study as well as recent research by the health ministry. A ministry spokesperson did not immediately provide more details about the study.
    First published: 18:08, 07.04.21
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