IDF veteran suffers PTSD during reserves and struggles to receive treatment

Reservist drafted on October 7 to identify massacre victims and now experiences post-traumatic stress disorder;  Defense Ministry recognizes his condition, but not his disability

The IDF's reservists who identified victims on October 7 had an incredibly difficult task. For Shay (an alias), this is not his first war in the reserves but the things he saw and experienced at the beginning of the current war left him mentally wounded. Now the Defense Ministry does not recognize the full extent of his disability.
"The sights were terrible," said Shay. "The number of bodies is something we have not seen before." Shay left a fairly comfortable life and a family for the reserve service whose horrific sights never left him. He was even recognized by the army for his post-traumatic stress disorder and is highly disabled.
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However, alongside the mental difficulty, a physical struggle also developed, which the Defense Ministry refuses to acknowledge. "I am being treated at a rehabilitation center," he said. "I use crutches, the left side of my face is completely numb, and I can't hold myself up. I need help with everyday things, like taking a shower."
The Defense Ministry's refusal to recognize his physical disability has many consequences. "In the beginning, they asked me to borrow crutches from the Yad Sarah volunteer organization because I was not eligible. Only later did they give me a set. When the treatment at the hospital ends, I will not be eligible for any treatment for my physical disability, even if my condition worsens. I don't want to ask for things that I don't deserve. Even so, it's exhausting for me. Not only physically but also mentally. I feel like they don't see me," the soldier said,
Shay's lawyer, Eli Saban, appealed the committee's decision that did not recognize his physical disability. "The committee's decision neglects my client, and leaves him without further paid medical treatment despite his difficult condition," said Saban.
עו"ד אלי סבן Attorney Eli SabanPhoto: Nati Hadad
"I believe the appeal will be accepted to allow him to continue treatment. The committee's decision is a negative message to all the reservists who are still living the war, and may find themselves in unnecessary legal battles."
The Defense Ministry said in a statement that "Shay is being treated in the rehabilitation department for a mental condition and receives the full extent of the medical treatment he needs. His additional request for recognition of neurological damage was medically examined and was not found to be related to his mental disability. The appeal regarding the decision on neurological damage will be reviewed according to the information that will be presented."
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