Israel mulls return to capacity limits in stores as virus surge persists

Senior Health Ministry official says the ministry is currently discussing how to improve the 'Purple Pass' mandate in order to avoid long lines outside shopping locations, which were prevalent the first time the order was implemented
Adir Yanko|
Israel is mulling reintroducing capacity limits on crowds at shopping locations as the surge of coronavirus persists across the country, said a senior Health Ministry official on Wednesday.
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  • The source said the ministry is currently examining what the new mandate on crowd limitations would look like in order to avoid long lines outside of stores, which were prevalent during the first three virus waves when the so-called Purple Pass was initially implemented.
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    קניון TLV
    קניון TLV
    A long line outside of Zara store at a shopping mall in Tel Aviv last year
    (Photo: Ido Erez)
    "The possibility of proposing the reintroduction of the Purple Pass has already been considered during the latest cabinet meeting," the official said. "In the end it was decided not to do it."
    In the meantime, the coronavirus cabinet on Tuesday approved the resumption of the mandate for wearing masks out of doors in gatherings of more than 100 people, backed a return to working remotely where possible and cancelled the exemption from the "Green Pass" for the under-12s who are yet to be part of the vaccination drive.
    The "Green Pass" system means people have to show proof of vaccination, recent recovery from COVID or a new negative test in order to access many venues and workplaces.
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    נפתלי בנט במרכז החיסונים של כללית
    נפתלי בנט במרכז החיסונים של כללית
    Prime Minister Naftali Bennett opens new vaccination center in Jerusalem
    (Photo: Meshi Ben Ami)
    Prime Minister Naftali Bennett also warned that Israel could face "severe restrictions" if there is not a sharp uptick in the number of people having the coronavirus vaccination in the face of the fast-spreading Delta variant.
    Bennett's message was echoed by Defense Minister Benny Gantz, who told ministers that the public should prepare for another lockdown during the Jewish High Holidays next month if the daily coronavirus infection rate did not drop.
    Gantz told the so-called coronavirus cabinet that closure in September would cause less economic damage as Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and Sukkot all fall during the month this year.
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