Bennett meets health officials to increase hospital COVID capacity

Situation assessment comes as Israel surpasses 6,000 daily cases for the first time in six months; Oxford University study puts country eighth globally in infections per capita; ministers to meet on Wednesday to approve new measures
Yaron Druckman, Itamar Eichner|Updated:
As coronavirus cases continue to rise, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett was set on Tuesday to meet with health officials on increasing hospitals' capacity for serious patients.
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  • According to a statement from the premier's office, among those taking part in the meeting are Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz, Health Ministry Director General Prof. Nachman Ash and Head of Public Health in the Health Ministry Dr. Sharon Alroy-Pries.
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    ישיבת ממשלה
    ישיבת ממשלה
    Prime Minister Naftali Bennett
    (Photo: AFP)
    Bennett also held a separate meeting with health officials to discuss further steps to bring down morbidity.
    Among the measures agreed upon was implementing the Green Pass - conditioning access to public spaces on proof of vaccination or recovery, or a negative test - to nearly all parts of the economy and expand it to all Israelis over the age of three.
    The system will be put in place at both public and private institutions, including swimming pools, gyms, academic campuses, all culture and sports events, conferences, exhibitions, museums, libraries, restaurants, hotels and more.
    Officials also decided on a recommendation that private events not held under the Green Pass outline be limited to 100 people outdoors and 50 indoors.
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    בדיקות קורונה מהירות בירושלים
    בדיקות קורונה מהירות בירושלים
    A coronavirus testing facility in Jerusalem
    (Photo: AFP)
    Israel will work to double the number of testing facilities.
    The coronavirus cabinet will meet on Wednesday to approve the measures.
    Israel on Tuesday reported over 6,000 new daily COVID-19 cases diagnosed the previous day. This is the first time in six months the single-day tally has surpassed 6,000 cases.
    The Health Ministry said since midnight Monday, at least 6,275 people tested positive for coronavirus, the highest single-day tally since February 8.
    Medical officials conducted over 130,000 tests throughout the day, placing the contagion rate at 4.8%.
    The ministry said at least 394 patients are in severe condition, the highest the figure has been since March, of whom 64 are ventilated.
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    מחלקת הקורונה בבית החולים שיבא, תל השומר
    מחלקת הקורונה בבית החולים שיבא, תל השומר
    Sheba Medical Center's coronavirus ward
    (Photo: Tal Shahar)
    At least 80 patients passed away since the start of this month, bringing the official death toll to 6,559.
    According to data collected by Oxford University, the current infection wave put Israel in eighth place globally in infections per capita.
    Coronavirus deaths per capita still remain relevantly low, putting the country at 61st place below the global average over the past week.

    First published: 18:22, 08.10.21
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