Israel again reports over 3,000 new COVID cases, infection rate nears 4%

Health Ministry says 360 patients are now in severe condition, while 15 local authorities are now categorized as red; MK Ofer Cassif from the Joint List tells Knesset officials he has tested positive for coronavirus
Israel on Monday again reported over 3,000 new daily COVID cases diagnosed the previous day, with infection rate nearing four percent.
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  • The Health Ministry said 3,371 people tested positive for coronavirus on Sunday. After 87,915 tests had been conducted, the infection rate now stands at 3.8%.
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    מתחם בידוק קורונה בבנימינה
    מתחם בידוק קורונה בבנימינה
    Coronavirus testing center in Binyamina
    (Photo: Gil Nehoshtan )
    At least 360 patients are in severe condition, of whom 57 are ventilated. The official death toll now stands at 6,542 after two more patients died on Sunday.
    At least 15 local authorities are now categorized are red, indicating a very high level of spread. Among them are Kiryat Malachi, Sderot, Harish, Nesher, Kiryat Yam, Kiryat Gat, Netanya, Elad, Beit She'an Ma'ale Adumim, Be'er Yaakov, Tiberias, Or Yehuda, Yavne and Afula.
    In the meantime, MK Ofer Cassif from the Joint List informed Knesset officials on Monday morning that he has tested positive for coronavirus.
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    מליאת הכנסת
    מליאת הכנסת
    MK Ofer Cassif from the Joint List
    (Photo: Alex Kolomoisky)
    Cassif said that he was in the Knesset plenum last Wednesday. The Knesset officials said that anyone who had been in close contact with MK Cassif but is vaccinated was not required to enter isolation.
    However, those who are not vaccinated were asked to stay at home until they receive instructions from the Health Ministry.
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