Bennett says Israel in fifth COVID wave, spurred by Omicron

During cabinet meeting, PM says banning foreigners bought valuable time before variant spread but it is 'running out'; voices concern over low vaccination rates in some areas, adding public must not expect government to do everything for them
Einav Halabi, Nina Fox|Updated:
Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said on Sunday the fifth wave of the pandemic in Israel has already started, spurred by the rapid spread of the Omicron variant of coronavirus.
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  • Speaking at the start of the weekly cabinet meeting, Bennett said the decisions made by the government to limit entry of non-Israelis last month, bought the country valuable time in the battle against the new strain.
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    ישיבת ממשלה
    ישיבת ממשלה
    Bennett at the cabinet meeting on Sunday
    (Photo: Emil Selman)
    "That time is running out," Bennett said. "Omicron is already here."
    Bennett also told ministers that there was already community transmission of the Omicron variant in Israel and a rise in the country's coronavirus infection rate. He called the omicron variant "very infectious.
    "It must be understood that the collective and national protection that the state provides is not enough," Bennett said, urging Israelis that "every citizen must see to themselves, their family, and their children. Don't rely on the neighbors to vaccinate themselves and their child. It won't help much."
    The prime minister also voiced his concern that there is a considerable gap between the vaccination rate in different sectors of the population.
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    חיסוני ילדים בבית ספר אל זיתון בבועינה נוג'ידאת
    חיסוני ילדים בבית ספר אל זיתון בבועינה נוג'ידאת
    A child receives the coronavirus vaccine in a school in the Arab sector last week
    (Photo: Efi Sharir)
    "In the U.S., seven million children already received the Pfizer pediatric vaccine. Without it, there is no defense. There is no need to make an appointment," he said.
    "Vaccines are available for all Israelis, not just the rich, the government will do its part, the health and education systems understand the urgency," he said.
    Bennett said that there will not be any unnecessary restrictions, but where there must be more mitigation, the government will enforce it.
    "When we look at Europe, which is our chance to see in to the future, we see lockdowns. I understand pandemic fatigue, but this is the reality we are living through and our aim is to protect the economy and education as much as possible. With responsible behavior of the public, hand-in-hand with the government and with the help of God we will get through this fifth wave," he said.
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    עומס בנתב"ג
    עומס בנתב"ג
    Overcrowding at Ben Gurion Airport
    (Photo: Shmulik Dodfour)
    Bennett then introduced ministers to Michal, a teenager who recovered from COVID-19. She told the government about the post-COVID symptoms she still is suffering from, including memory loss. Her father who was also present, said he was heart broken by her condition.
    Some ministers at the meeting, however, said they sensed Bennett was broadcasting panic.
    Associated Press contributed to this report
    First published: 14:02, 12.19.21
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