Health Ministry: Cut COVID quarantine time, limit crowd sizes

Ahead of the coronavirus cabinet meeting later in the day, health officials urge government to cut isolation time to 7 days and conditions entrances to events with over 100 people on guests presenting Green Pass or negative virus test
Itamar Eichner |
The Health Ministry on Tuesday recommended that the government cut the isolation period for travelers returning from abroad or those exposed to confirmed coronavirus carriers from 14 to seven days and also called for new limits on crowd sizes.
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  • Israel on Tuesday recorded over 700 new daily coronavirus cases for the first time since March 25 as the country battles the spread of the Delta variant.
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    Men stand next to an information banner at Israel's Ben Gurion International Airport, amid a spread of the Delta variant of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), near Tel Aviv
    Men stand next to an information banner at Israel's Ben Gurion International Airport, amid a spread of the Delta variant of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), near Tel Aviv
    Men stand next to an information banner at Ben Gurion International Airport, amid a spread of the Delta variant of the coronavirus disease near Tel Aviv
    (Photo: Reuters)
    The coronavirus cabinet is set to convene later on Tuesday evening to discuss the reintroduction of further measures meant to curb the spread of the pathogen.
    The Health Ministry is also expected to recommend to the cabinet that entry to events held in confined spaces and attended by more than 100 people, be conditioned on guests presenting either a negative coronavirus test or a vaccination certificate.
    During a meeting attended by Prime Minister Naftali Bennett earlier, health officials and government representatives discussed the possibility of conducting rapid testing for COVID at summer camps and nursing homes.
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    ניצן הורוביץ וראש הממשלה נפתלי בנט במתחם חיסונים בחולון
    ניצן הורוביץ וראש הממשלה נפתלי בנט במתחם חיסונים בחולון
    Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz and Prime Minister Naftali Bennett
    (Photo: Reuters)
    No agreement was achieved on the issue, which is set to be brought up again at the coronavirus cabinet meeting, expected to begin at 7pm.
    On Friday, the restrictions voted on by the coronavirus cabinet at its previous meeting concerning travelers from abroad will officially take effect.
    The restrictions include mandatory isolation of all travelers arriving in Israel, including those who've been vaccinated, until a negative coronavirus test result is received.
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