How to avoid common mistakes when attempting to lose weight

A clinical dietitian explains why it’s so hard for us to stick to a weight-loss plan—and how we can overcome it, maybe even with surprising ease

Ziv Zafrani|
Who among us hasn't started a diet with the best intentions, only to hit a wall? Maybe the pounds didn't come off quickly enough, the process was too tough, or countless other reasons led us to give up before really trying. We've all been through those frustrating attempts and yet, the hope and desire to try again remain, thinking maybe this time, it will work.
The issue, as many researchers point out, often lies in our mindset. We create a "picture of success or failure" and stick to it, justifying why it won't work. But if we start thinking differently, we might just succeed.
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אישה דיאטה משקל
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Here are the mental obstacles standing in the way of your goal—and the solutions you might not have considered.

Stop dwelling on the past

One common mistake is reminiscing about how easy it used to be—how we could eat whatever we wanted and always stay slim, strong, and healthy. Even if we overindulged for a month and gained some weight, we'd cut back on carbs for a week and return to our usual weight. Many of us cling to this explanation, and while it might be true, how is it relevant now? The solution is to cherish those memories but move forward with what we have today. It's important to understand that what worked in the past belongs to the past. Now, this is our reality. Perhaps our metabolism has changed, or the pace of weight loss is different, but this is the situation, and we need to work with it to achieve our desired results.

Stop comparing yourself to others

We constantly compare our weight loss successes and failures to others. Some people might lose weight faster than us, just like classmates who studied for the same test and got better grades. So what? The most important thing is to focus on ourselves and do the best with our own lives because, in the end, we'll succeed, even if it takes a little longer than we expected.

Avoid "saving calories" before eating out

This is a common mistake for those trying to lose weight. Often, the result of skipping meals is increased hunger, and any "saved" calories are easily outweighed by what we end up eating. The solution is simple: on days when you know you'll have a big meal later, eat something small before you go out. This way, you won't arrive starving and won't feel the need to overeat. You'll be able to choose your main course without feeling ravenous.
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אישה עודף משקל צ'יפס
(Photo: Shutterstock)

Don’t exercise more because you ate more

"I had a whole pizza for lunch at work, and we're going for ice cream tonight, so I’ll add an extra 5 km to my run." The idea of counteracting extra calories with exercise isn't just wrong—it can backfire. The calories burned during exercise are minimal compared to the "caloric damage" from the food. The solution? Stick to your regular workout routine and healthy eating. In any weight loss journey, or in general, there's no need for drastic measures.

Perfection isn’t necessary

It’s crucial to understand that every journey begins with a single step. Even if we’re only 70 percent committed or start small and gradually add more steps to the process, that’s perfectly fine. It shows that you're on the path to success. Total commitment is incredibly difficult, sometimes nearly impossible, and striving for it often leads to failure and the inability to sustain progress. Just like in life, weight loss and healthy eating aren't all-or-nothing. So, simply decide to succeed and do the best you can within the realities of your life.
זיו זפרניZiv Zafrani

Don’t wait for the “perfect” time to start

After the holidays, the wedding, exams, and the trip abroad. Life is dynamic, and there will always be something that seems like a reason to postpone starting your weight loss journey. But what you actually need to start is chicken breast, rice, and a nearby gym—or even outdoor fitness equipment. The chances of having an ideal time when you can fully dedicate yourself to losing weight are slim. There will always be something because that’s just how life is. So when is the right time to start? Now. Just decide and begin.
Ziv Zafrani is a clinical and sports dietitian
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