Nearly 50% of Israelis are overweight, one in four actively dieting, report finds

According to Central Bureau of Statistics, only 43% of Israelis aged 20 and over maintain healthy weight; data reveals significant differences in dieting habits between Jews and Arabs and shows how income levels impact weight

Nearly half of Israelis are overweight or obese, according to data released Wednesday by the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS). The report also reveals that one in four Israelis is dieting, with a higher percentage of women dieting compared to men.
The statistics indicate that among Israelis aged 20 and over, 43% have a healthy weight, 33% are overweight, 12% are obese, 3.8% are severely obese and 3% are underweight. Data for an additional 5% was not provided.
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דיאטה בעקבות עודף משקל
דיאטה בעקבות עודף משקל
Nearly 50% of Israelis are overweight
(Photo: Shutterstock)
The CBS used the Body Mass Index (BMI) to assess weight status, categorizing individuals as underweight (BMI up to 18.4), normal weight (BMI 18.5-24.9), overweight (BMI 25-29.9), obese (BMI 30-34.9) and severely obese (BMI 35 and above).
The report shows that 55% of men and 43% of women aged 20 and over are either overweight or obese. Age differences are notable, with 39% of individuals aged 20 to 44 falling into these categories, compared to 59% of those aged 45 to 65. Additionally, disparities exist between Jewish and Arab populations, with 46% of Jews being overweight or obese, compared to 59% of Arabs.
Economic status also affects obesity rates. In households with an average monthly income per capita of up to 2,000 shekels ($520), 58% of individuals are overweight or obese, compared to 49% in households with an income per capita of more than 4,000 shekels ($1,040).
Regarding dieting, 26% of the population is currently on a diet, including 23% of men and 29% of women; 18% of those with a healthy weight, 32% of those overweight and 39% of those obese. More women than men are dieting across all age and weight groups, with 29% of individuals aged 45 and over and 24% of those aged 20 to 44. Among Jews, 27% are dieting compared to 23% of Arabs.
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אוכל מקסיקני
אוכל מקסיקני
(Photo: Shutterstock)
Additionally, 36% of Israelis aged 20 and over have reported receiving nutritional counseling from a dietitian at some point: 42% of women and 30% of men; 40% of Jews and 20% of Arabs. Women are more likely than men to have received dietary advice across all age and weight groups. Of those currently dieting, 35% received nutritional counseling from a dietitian in the past two years, 11% received it between two to five years ago, and 13% over five years ago.
"The CBS data highlights the presence of an obesity epidemic in Israel and the need for action to reduce it. Obesity is a chronic, multi-system disease that should be treated similarly to other chronic illnesses. It has implications for comorbid conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, cancers, and orthopedic issues," says Maccabi Healthcare Services Chief Dietitian Limor Tal-Pony.
"The data underscores the importance of treatment by qualified professionals and the need for a comprehensive, personalized plan that thoroughly understands the patient, their preferences, and their medical, nutritional and psychological status."
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