Nobel prize for medicine goes to US scientists Ambros and Ruvkun

Reserachers Victor Ambros and Gary Ruvkun, of Jewish descent, receive award after discovering a new class of tiny RNA molecules

Nobel assembly announces 2024 medicine laurants

Scientists Victor Ambros and Gary Ruvkun, of Jewish descent, won the 2024 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for the discovery of microRNA and its role in gene regulation, the award-giving body said on Monday. The two's discoveries also awarded them with Israel's Wolf Prize in 1993.
The Nobel assembly said in a statement that the laureates discovered the new class of tiny RNA molecules, which play a crucial role in gene regulation.
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זוכי פרס נובל לרפואה 2024 פרופ' ויקטור אמברוז ופרופ' גארי רובקון
זוכי פרס נובל לרפואה 2024 פרופ' ויקטור אמברוז ופרופ' גארי רובקון
Gary Ruvkun and Victor Ambros
(Photo: Steve Jennings/Getty)
"Their groundbreaking discovery revealed a completely new principle of gene regulation that turned out to be essential for multicellular organisms, including humans," the assembly said.
The winners for medicine are selected by the Nobel Assembly of Sweden's Karolinska Institute medical university and receive a prize sum of 11 million Swedish crowns ($1.1 million).
As every year, the medicine prize is the first in the crop of Nobels, arguably the most prestigious prizes in science, literature and humanitarian endeavour, with the remaining five set to be unveiled over the coming days.
Created in the will of Swedish dynamite inventor and businessman Alfred Nobel, the prizes have been awarded for breakthroughs in science, literature and peace since 1901, while economics is a later addition.
Different institutions award the prizes in the various fields, with Peace being the only one awarded in Oslo rather than Stockholm, possibly as a result of the political union that existed between the two Nordic countries when Nobel penned his will.
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פרס נובל לרפואה 2024
פרס נובל לרפואה 2024
(Photo: Nobel Prize webite)
Past winners of the Nobel medicine prize include many famous researchers such as Ivan Pavlov in 1904, most known for his experiments on behavior using dogs, and Alexander Fleming, who shared the 1945 prize for the discovery of penicillin.
Last year's medicine prize was awarded to the runaway favorites Katalin Kariko, a Hungarian scientist, and U.S. colleague Drew Weissman, for discoveries that paved the way for COVID-19 vaccines that helped curb the pandemic.
Steeped in tradition, the science, literature and economics prizes are presented to the laureates in a ceremony on Dec. 10, the anniversary of Alfred Nobel's death, followed by a lavish banquet at Stockholm city hall. Separate festivities attend the winner of the peace prize in Oslo on the same day. ($1 = 10.1086 Swedish crowns)
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