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Horoscope (May 6 - May 12)
For cancer this week is unpredictable and chaotic; Libra are undergoing a major change
Judaism and the Stars
Despite astrology's significant role in Jewish culture, the mainstream remains hostile
The Jewish Astrologers
'The Westerners ask about marriage; the Israelis ask how to make money'
Map by Yaron Livne

isces is also the sign of eternity and cycles. Pisceans are creative and can form an identity and character through acting, but do not know how to disconnect and separate

oncealed in every Leo are an actor, director, producer, and (self) advertising and PR executive

idden inside every Scorpio is a policeman or agent of the CIA or Mossad waiting to come out - if the Scorpio isn’t already working in this capacity

rians always strive to be the best. Second place just doesn't cut it for them. They are inclined towards involvement in sports and the military


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