Zikim Beach will reopen for 1st time since Oct 7, with armed patrols

Devastated by Hamas terrorists on October 7, Zikim Beach is set to welcome the public once more, but it's not all business as usual; Regular military patrols will constantly be moving around and specific bathing guidelines will be imposed

If security conditions remain stable, the "closed military zone" order on Zikim Beach, imposed by the Southern Command, will be lifted in about two weeks. Shortly after, the beach will reopen for swimming, though only briefly until season's end, providing an at least partial return to bathing normalcy post-October 7.
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חוף זיקים שצפוי להיפתח מחדש
חוף זיקים שצפוי להיפתח מחדש
Zikim Beach
(Photo: Amnon Ziv)
The announcement of the beach's reopening on September 25 emerged from a meeting held on Tuesday with the Ashkelon Coast Regional Council, which oversees the beach, and IDF representatives. The reopening will take place under stringent security measures, with the IDF finalizing a robust defense strategy. This plan includes military presence at strategic points along the beach, armed soldier patrols among beachgoers, and new protective shelters.
Following the invasion by terrorists from the Gaza Strip on October 7, which led to horrific murders, Zikim Beach was devastated and has since been rebuilt. It underwent a substantial upgrade, funded by millions of shekels from the regional council, the Ministry of Tourism, and the Tekuma Administration.
Beach conditions will be far from ordinary upon reopening. Lifeguards will be equipped with announcement sheets for bathers, detailing procedures in the event of a security incident. For instance, they may announce: "Dear swimmers, a security event is underway. Please exit the water swiftly and head to the nearest shelters."
Initially, visitors will be allowed on the beach only during daytime, with overnight stays and tent camping prohibited. In recent weeks, Itamar Revivo, head of the Ashkelon Coast Regional Council, has closely supervised preparations for the reopening.
On October 7, 19 people, including teenagers, were brutally murdered on Zikim Beach when Hamas terrorists infiltrated from the sea. Their rampage extended to nearby IDF bases and even attempted incursions into a neighboring kibbutz.
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חוף זיקים שצפוי להיפתח מחדש
חוף זיקים שצפוי להיפתח מחדש
Post reconstruction
(Photo: Amnon Ziv)
On Wednesday, Yossi Shelley, acting head of the Tekuma Administration, toured the beach and surrounding areas near Gaza."The advanced systems we observe here are part of a strategic plan by the administration to enhance security and ensure maximum protection for settlements in the Tekuma region. These communities face significant security and economic challenges, and the progress in establishing defense systems, along with central command centers coordinated with all systems, creates an effective protective envelope," Shelley said.
"Additionally, comprehensive rehabilitation plans, including in agriculture and the economy, provide an additional layer to tackle these challenges. We are committed to collaborating fully with all parties to ensure the return of residents and their sense of security. I am proud of the work of the local teams and grateful to all partners in efforts to safeguard residents and strengthen the area's security infrastructure."
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