Israeli girls cash in on gel nail polish trend

An increasing number of youths in Israel see the trendy fashion accessory as a potent way to pursue a creative pastime while earning money

Maya Benita|
Gel nail polish has become an increasingly popular fashion trend in the world at large and in Israel specifically in recent years. Now, with the rise of social media, youths are starting to realize this fashion trend can become a very successful business venture as well.

Mai Cohen, 11, from Be’er Ya’akov

Mai took a gel nail polish course when she was only 10 ten years old. "I was looking for something to do during the summer break and saw that girls were making money from this on TikTok. I'm a creative kid and it seemed really fun. One day, I saw a video promoting Chen Yosef's course.
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מאי וגלית כהן
מאי וגלית כהן
Mai and Galit Cohen
(Photo: Yuval Chen)
“I asked my mom to sign me up because I wanted to be a manicurist. During the Sukkot holiday, I took another course with Sun Nails to sharpen my technique. I learned a lot of new things and it was an amazing experience."
Galia, Mai's mother, shared, "I saw that she enjoyed working with nail polishes and drawing. She bought some equipment and used my polishes. When I saw there was a course for girls during the summer break, I thought — why not? It could keep her busy.”
“Usually, the minimum age for the course is 12, but Mai has a mom who pushes her, so they agreed to let her join even though she was only ten. She was the youngest among all the students,” she said.
"Each course costs around 2,500 shekels and she received basic equipment. When we saw how much Mai enjoyed it, we set up a mini clinic at home with everything she needed — from a table and lamp to a drying device."
Weren't you worried it would affect her schoolwork? "Mai knows how to separate these aspects. She understands that it's just for fun and continues to focus on her studies. Gel nails are for her free time."
Mai, do you have clients already? "Yes, at first, I practiced on a few models. One of them said I did a good job for a kid my age. Now, I do gel nails for friends and for my mom as well. My friends got really excited and I did their nails until 3 a.m. the first time they came over.
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(Photo: Shutterstock)
"I usually see clients twice a week. I'm still starting out, so I charge 15 shekels per treatment and post my best work on Instagram. It’ll grow slowly, and I believe I'll eventually be able to take older women as clients too."
What do you like about it? "I enjoy chatting and laughing with the client. When I do my mom’s nails, we get quality time together. I don’t usually do my own nails because we’re not allowed to wear it to school."
Do you want to pursue this professionally when you grow up? "I'm not sure what the future holds, but if I keep doing this and improving, I'll end up being a manicurist and a choreographer. My mom and I talked about opening a dance studio combined with a gel nail clinic one day."
Galia, what do you think about Mai making a living from gel nails in the future? "I believe that as long as Mai has a profession, gel nails can be something for her soul and for fun."
Mai, what’s your advice for girls who want to get into this field? "It’s important to stay consistent and not give up or get discouraged. Don’t worry about what others might say — just follow your own path with your head held high and believe in yourself."

Talia Mazor, 12, from Givatayim

Talia recently completed a gel nail polish course for girls. "I've always been drawn to gel nail polish. I love drawing and creating things. I thought it could be a fun field where I could also make some money. I felt it was a unique job that could suit me. The course was enjoyable, and I learned everything I needed to know in the field."
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טליה וליזה מזור
טליה וליזה מזור
Talia and Liza Mazor
(Photo: Tal Shahar)
Liza, Talia's mother, shared, "The course was a Bat Mitzvah (Jewish coming of age ceremony) gift for Talia. I wasn't worried it would affect her studies. I thought it could encourage her to be independent and I saw there was a demand for it. We bought her all the basic starter equipment. I support this and encourage her. I love how she thinks ahead, always wants to try new things and I have no doubt she'll succeed in this."
Talia, are you already taking on clients? "Yes, I recently started taking clients. My friends were models and I practiced on them throughout the course. They got excited and showed everyone. Now I've started promoting myself on Instagram and I even have a logo.
“Eventually, I plan to charge 60 shekels per manicure. I believe that as I become more skilled, I won't be afraid to take on women as clients. I'm sure they'll love my work and what I do and they won't dismiss it just because I'm a teenager."
How do you plan to balance gel nail work with your studies? "I won't take clients before exams and I'll plan my schedule properly.”
What do you like about gel nails? "I love the creativity and the little details, seeing the client happy and enjoying the process."
Do you want to pursue this professionally when you grow up? "Maybe. We'll see where it goes and how it develops."
Liza, what do you think about Talia making a living from gel nails in the future? "Talia is very talented, and I have no doubt she'll be very successful. I'll support her in whatever she chooses to do."
Talia, what's your advice for girls who want to get into gel nails? "Follow your dream and do what you love."

Mikey Gil, 12, from Ramat Gan

Mikey completed a gel nail course for girls six months ago. "I've always loved the beauty field and I would join my mom when she would go to the manicurist. I watched how the manicurist applied the polish and practiced at home. I even gave my dad a manicure. I wanted to work in the field, so when I saw there was a course for girls, I asked my mom to sign me up. The course helped me improve and I got a lot of tips."
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מייקי וורד גיל
מייקי וורד גיל
Vered and Mikey Gil
(Photo: Lior Sharon)
Vered, Mikey's mother, shared, "Mikey is our youngest after three boys and I worried she might be a tomboy. But she's always loved nail polish and makeup. She has good hands and loves working with them. I went along with her request to sign up for the course. To make sure it didn't affect her studies, I agreed she could only take one client per day and not work before exams."
Mikey, are you taking clients already? "Yes, I do gel nails for my friends. At first, they thought I was too young, but when they saw the results, they were surprised and kept coming back. Even 20-year-olds who heard about me come over.
“They're also impressed with my work which I post on Instagram. I charge between 80 to 120 shekels, earn 2,000 shekels a month and save the money for a new phone. I'm a perfectionist and really put in the effort."
What do you like about gel nails? "It gives me confidence and I enjoy the creativity aspect of it. At the start of the war, evacuees from the south came to the Kfar Maccabiah Hotel. I went there with my equipment to lift the girls' spirits by doing their nails. I felt like I could contribute something small by doing it."
Do you want to pursue this professionally when you grow up? "Yes, I want to get a degree in marketing and open my own gel nail school."
Vered, what do you think about Mikey making a living from this field in the future? "I'll encourage her to get a degree so that all doors will remain open to her. I believe that if she's doing such a perfect job at 12, then she really could open her own school when she grows up. The sky's the limit."
Mikey, what's your advice for girls who want to get into this field? "The more you practice, the better your work will be. I recommend constantly practicing on family and friends and only start taking paid clients when you're satisfied with your work."
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(Photo: Shutterstock)

Precautions to consider about gel nail polish

Dr. Monica Elman, a dermatologist and specialist in aesthetic treatments and Maccabi Aesthetics’ medical director, said, "Changes occur in the nails until the age of 18. Girls' nails are more brittle compared to adult nails. Nail strength is influenced by factors such as age, hormonal changes, diet, and lifestyle. When we apply gel polish to the nails, the chemical destroys the intercellular adhesive that holds the nail together.”
“When this adhesive is damaged, inflammation may develop, fungus can form and the nails can start to disintegrate. The destruction of the nail isn't immediate — it can take a year or even ten years. When a girl or a teenager regularly applies gel polish, an inflammatory process can develop that might permanently damage her nails,” she explained.
“Additionally, when using gel polish, the nails need to be dried under a UV lamp, which can cause significant harm. Even if sunscreen is applied, it doesn't protect the nails from radiation. An adult's immune system is stronger compared to that of a child. The damage that gel polish can cause to children's nails may be irreversible."
The Israel Cancer Association added, "Exposure to radiation from drying machines accumulates with repeated use, so it's recommended to minimize this exposure as much as possible and limit it to ten minutes per session, as suggested by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).”
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( Photo: Shutterstock)
“It's important to use drying lamps according to the manufacturer's instructions. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends using sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher on the hands and nails before using these lamps,” it explained.
“While it hasn't been proven that applying sunscreen during the use of drying lamps reduces the risk of cancer since the mechanism of action is similar to that of tanning beds or sun exposure, it’s assumed that using sunscreen in this context is also beneficial. Alternatively, it’s recommended to wear gloves that only leave the nails exposed during drying."
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