Givati soldiers find their old photos in Hamas manuals

While clearing the Jabaliya neighborhood, Givati Brigade troops came across pictures of themselves from 2010 inside a Hamas guide with information on the unit
All kinds of items are being found by IDF forces as they search through buildings previously used by Hamas, but there's one thing none of the Givati Brigade troops operating in the area saw coming - A picture of themselves in a Nukhba force training manual.
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The picture was from 2010, with the Arabic text next to it explaining the details of the Givati Brigade and its various subdivisions. The picture made its way to Givati's Maimon unit, who have decided to reenact the same photo, 13 years later.
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לוחמי צה"ל שחזרו את התמונה שמצאו בספר לימוד של חמאס במרחב ג'באליה
לוחמי צה"ל שחזרו את התמונה שמצאו בספר לימוד של חמאס במרחב ג'באליה
The Givati photo in Hamas' manual
(Photo: IDF Spokesperson's Unit)
"As soon as we saw the picture, we knew we had to reenact it," said a Givati soldier. "We weren't scared seeing our picture there. Quite the opposite. It's how we can show them we're a strong team, that comes back to Gaza all these years later to finish the job."
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לוחמי צה"ל שחזרו את התמונה שמצאו בספר לימוד של חמאס במרחב ג'באליה
לוחמי צה"ל שחזרו את התמונה שמצאו בספר לימוד של חמאס במרחב ג'באליה
Givati troops today
(Photo: IDF Spokesperson's Unit)
Another soldier said: "We were here during Operation Protective Edge, and now we're back for a new mission - to protect our home."
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