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Nine terrorists vs one bullet: Adar Ben Simon's final moments on October 7

She was slated to serve in IDF intelligence, but much to her mom's chagrin she insisted on a combat role; On October 7, Deputy Adar Ben Simon found herself taking on a large group of Hamas terrorists, holding on as long as she could she before being overwhelmed; 'She excelled in everything she did and was very beloved by everyone'

Tzippy Roman|
As an outstanding student with exceptional social skills, Adar Ben Simon had the potential to be accepted into many prestigious roles within the IDF. She was initially slated for intelligence but decided to attend a combat exposure day for female soldiers. "I took her and waited outside for several hours," recalls her mother, Zehava Ben Simon.
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אדר בן סימון
אדר בן סימון
A role model and a hero, Adar Ben Simon
(Photo: Family album)
"When she came out, she told me, 'Mom, I am going to be a combat soldier!' I tried to dissuade her, reminding her that she had successfully passed tests for a prestigious role, but she was resolute and said, 'I want to be in the field, not sit in front of a computer. I want to work with people. To be a commander.' I had no arguments against it because I knew she indeed had the capability to manage people, lead them in the direction and values she believed in. A week later, she received an invitation and passed the tests for the Home Front Command's rescue unit. She was super happy, and I was at ease. A combat soldier, but after all, it's the Home Front Command."
On October 7, Deputy Adar Ben Simon fell in the battle at the Zikim base. Along with other unit members, including her subordinates, she defended the recruits at the base, fought terrorists face-to-face, and was killed while saving the lives of dozens.

Dancer, outstanding student, and leader

Adar Ben Simon, daughter of Zehava and Erez Ben Simon, was born as a twin to Aviv, 21, and a younger sister to Raz, 29, and Shachaf, 26. She grew up in Neve Ziv, a small community in the Western Galilee. "A dominant, active and involved child, a leader, the glue in the group," her mother recalls. "She danced for 10 years at the dance school in Kibbutz Ga'aton and was an outstanding student – in fact, she excelled in everything she did and was very beloved by everyone."
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תיעוד מפעילות כוחות צה"ל מחילופי אש עם מחבלים חמושים בחוף זיקים וחיסולם
תיעוד מפעילות כוחות צה"ל מחילופי אש עם מחבלים חמושים בחוף זיקים וחיסולם
IDF taking on terrorists near Zikim
(Photo: IDF Spokesperson's unit)
Adar enlisted on August 4, 2021, and began her path as a combat soldier in the Home Front Command.
"After seven months of basic training, she was recommended for a squad commanders' course. Upon completion, she was assigned to command a squad commanders' course and received the title of 'Outstanding Commander.' From there, the path to officer training was clear. She completed the officers' course and additional training in July 2023 and then received a platoon of recruits to command. In August 2023, she started the process with them at the Zikim base. We were very proud of her. Unfortunately, she did not live to complete the beret march with them, which took place a month after October 7. We were invited there; I went with my children. The course graduates marched with a flag bearing her name and picture. It was very, very hard to be there without her."
"In the picture we chose, she is at the end of her beret march, smiling. This picture characterizes the life she lived and the happiness she experienced when she fulfilled her choice to follow her path and be a combat soldier," her mother said.

Glass half full

On October 7, Zehava Ben Simon was at home. "We weren't particularly worried because we knew Adar was at a training base. The scenario of a firefight with terrorists never crossed our minds. Shachaf, her sister, was in a safe room in Gan Yavne with her partner."
At 7:15 a.m., I called Adar. 'Mom, I can't talk. I'll call you back. Bye,' she said and hung up. I knew she was responsible and would call me back when she could, but when we realized it was a major event, I called repeatedly, and she didn't answer. Then the nightmare began. In hindsight, it turned out that Adar texted Shachaf: 'We are being shot at. There is a terrorist infiltration. Nine terrorists in front of me. My squad commanders are injured. I have one bullet in the chamber. Shema Yisrael.' That was the last contact with her."
At three p.m, my husband, Erez, and her twin, Aviv, went to look for her at Soroka Hospital. Shachaf and her partner went to Barzilai Hospital. Raz stayed with me at home. At 7:45 p.m., there was a knock on the door, and they informed us she had been killed. Raz called his father and Shachaf and told them to stop searching and come home.
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Iron Dome intercepting Hamas and Islamic Jihad rocket launches near Zikim
Iron Dome intercepting Hamas and Islamic Jihad rocket launches near Zikim
Iron Dome intercepting Hamas and Islamic Jihad rocket launches near Zikim
(Photo: Reuters)
"At the shiva, her commanders told us that, at the start of the attack, 15 staff members, including Adar, put the recruits into shelters and then took positions themselves. Adar was at the guard post at the base entrance, facing Gaza, with three other staff members: Eden Alon Levi, her squad leader; Omri Niv Feirstein; and Yannai Kaminka. They fought hand-to-hand with the terrorists and were killed in a heroic battle."
Deputy Adar Ben Simon was buried in the Nahariya military cemetery. A month later, her father and brothers returned to work in the family business. "I am a kindergarten teacher and haven’t returned to the kindergarten," says Zehava. "I couldn't handle it emotionally. I returned to work more in training kindergarten teachers."
Her sister, Shachaf, took on the task of memorializing her. She visits bases, public institutions and companies, telling her sister's heroic story.
"Adar left a note in her notebook that says: 'Live life, enjoy every moment, look at the full half of the glass, and fulfill all your dreams.' As far as we're concerned, that is her will and testament, and we strive to honor it as best we can," she says.
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