Israeli lost in bear-infested forest in Japan climbs tree to avoid wild animals

Worried mother alerts the Tokyo embassy that her 18-year-old son is missing after visiting the wilderness near Kobe, Japan; Rescue mission heads out to find him alive and well  

An 18-year-old Israeli tourist visiting a forest near Kobe in Japan lost his way on Wednesday and was rescued overnight. The mountainous area is home to wild animals including Asian black bears and wild hogs.
The young visitor climbed a tree to avoid meeting some of the forest's inhabitants when he realized he was lost.
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דוב שחור אסיאתי
דוב שחור אסיאתי
Asian black bear
(Photo: Shutterstock)
Rescuers set out after the Israeli's mother called the Tokyo embassy, concerned that she had not heard from her son. A diplomat at the embassy reached the young man by phone and told him help was on the way. He received the lost tourist's exact location and was able to provide it to the rescue team.
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יער ביפן, אילוסטרציה
יער ביפן, אילוסטרציה
A forest in Japan, illustration
(Photo: Shutterstock)
When he was found, the tourist was given a medical examination to ensure he was unhurt and released to the care of the Israeli envoys bringing his adventure to a happy end.
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