Major airlines suspend flights to Israel amid escalating tensions

United Airlines and Delta Air Lines cancel flights following assassination of top Hamas and Hezbollah officials

Iris Lifshitz Klieger|
United Airlines and Delta Air Lines announced on Wednesday the suspension of flights to Israel.
United, which operates 14 weekly flights to Tel Aviv, informed customers of flight cancellations for the coming days. Delta canceled Wednesday's and Thursday's flights from New York.
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(Photo: Shutterstock)
Meanwhile, Ben Gurion Airport operated as usual on Wednesday. The Airports Authority reported that approximately 63,300 passengers would pass through the airport on 373 international flights throughout the day. About 33,200 passengers are departing on international flights, while 31,100 are arriving in Israel.
El Al's website stated in the morning that "El Al flights are operating as scheduled at this time. We are in contact with security officials."
Israir emphasized in a statement that it "continues to operate as usual according to the company's planned flight schedule and is following security guidelines, maintaining continuous contact with the Civil Aviation Authority."
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Ben Gurion Airport
(Photo: Asaf Rozen)
Arkia also announced, "As of now, Arkia continues to operate normally, with the company's scheduled flights running as planned. We are adhering to the guidelines of aviation authorities and security officials. Any changes or updates will be published on our website and social media."
In April, Israel closed its airspace for seven hours due to a widespread Iranian drone and missile attack.
On Tuesday, German carrier Lufthansa implemented a new procedure for flights to Israel, with its aircraft stopping at Larnaca Airport in Cyprus to change aircrew.
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