US tourist diagnosed with 'Jerusalem Syndrome' jumps off building
Ahiya Raved
Published: 25.05.08, 07:11
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34 Talkbacks for this article
1. Religion really is a disease and here is
Joe ,   Ohio, USA   (05.25.08)
another victim.
2. victory emerged as Jerusalem Syndrome
failing to heal or diagnose resulted in sacrificing the patient. But, the norm in Jerusalem is to turn the darkness of defeat into the victory of discovery.
3. #1 Foolishness is the worst disease
AB ,   TheRock   (05.25.08)
and unfortunately you're a victim.
4. Superstition could have played a critical . . .
Ken Quinn ,   Amsterdam   (05.25.08)
part in this tragedy and it would be very helpful to know just what "flavor" of "Christian" this man was. Does anyone know this bit of information?
5. #3 Beware ...
NilsG ,   Helsingborg, Sweden   (05.25.08)
... whosoever saith, Thou fool, is in danger of hellfire Cheer up
6. #1
Dorothy Friend ,   Tel Aviv   (05.25.08)
Good think he didn't take anyone with him.
7. Does Olmert have this syndrome?
Carl   (05.25.08)
Is this perhaps the problem?
8. The right therapy?
Enzo ,   london,uk   (05.25.08)
Enjoy the nightlife of Tel Aviv first and then go to Jerusalem!!! It helps...
9. Leadership Syndrome
mendel ,   Jlm, Israel   (05.25.08)
Our own PM and the intilectual Elite are not so far off. They get a litle power and think they can fly. Nothng to do with religion #1.
10. I am the king of Israel,,,,,i do what i want!
Ehud Olmert ,   Israel. Jerusalem   (05.25.08)
11. How do we arrange 4 Rivkah to get this syndrome?
12. Schizophrenia possibly
Mary ,   USA   (05.25.08)
It's too bad about the gentleman. He more likely arrived in Israel already in that mental state. We have seen it happen here that some devout religious person starts dressing in clothing similar to biblical era then wants to visit Israel. This condition is not the same longing we all have to see Messiah. We all want Messiah to come, that is an understatement. We long for the peace He'll bring.
13. but, but... I really can bring "peace in our time."
Ehud Olmert ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (05.25.08)
Come on, we all now the Arab's want us off this land, so... The more land we give up, the less they will hate us! Let's give up half of Jerusalem, then Hevron, and the Golan. Maybe later we can negotiate to give them more. Yay!
14. 6 Dorothy Friend: Good point. People who are suicidal
Rivkah   (05.25.08)
are often homicidal, too. When I was in Israel, I perceived a particular demon there that Howard Pittman in his book on demons describes as an ape, gorilla, bear demon. He found that demon shapes correspond with the particular thing they influence in a person's mind. Gesenius' Hebrew Lexicon backs up Howard Pittman's understandings of demon spirits in some ways. A frog demon reflects sexual unclean-ness or impurity influences. A bear demon is a slanderer. I felt the presence of a lot of ape, gorilla, or bear demons in Israel. The effect of those demons on tourists might account for the Jerusalem Syndrome. The devil lies to the person in their minds through his demons, telling them to jump off a bridge or building and that the angels of God will catch them. It is a lie and the person dies or is greatly injured. A heightened emotional experience like visiting the Holy Land can open a person up to demon influence that needs to be guarded against. The Jerusalem Syndrome is an example of that tragic dark side of visiting the Holy Land.
15. 11. Jealous and complaining again? Skip my tb's if you feel
Rivkah   (05.25.08)
murderous which is what you are suggesting. You will be doing me a favor.
16. #14 Yeah once the tooth fairy tried to kidnap me and sell me
to Iran when I was in Israel. Then another time santa claus came and tried to mug me. Then the boogie man came and stole my pants.
17. ah! rivkah! how come its ok 4 u 2 insult others?
If you can't stand the heat don't walk into the kitchen! You are a surly misguided insouciant churl...hired by Y-net to boost their ratings! Surely you recognize that you are being used by the devil media for no good!
18. #14 Ape and gorilla demons
Concerned Citizen ,   USA   (05.25.08)
Research suggests you suffer from Ahmadinejad Syndrome. The condition is considered advanced when you dream of short, hairy, unshaved tyrants without ties who look like they fraternize with camels. If problem persists, make an appointment with your psychiatrist as soon as possible.
19. #14 crawl under a rock & rethink ur position!
20. 16,17,18,19: Fallen angels do not all look like angels.
Rivkah   (05.25.08)
A third of God's creatures rebelled against him and fall into a hierarchy of Satan's kingdom. There are fallen Archangels like Satan whose name was Saba-el according to Rabbi Michael Rood. Rafa-el is the death angel, another Archangel or high ranking fallen angel. There are also baser or lower angels that did not have the form of Archangels. Some had animal forms. The creatures around God's throne are described in the Bible as having heads of a lion, an eagle, a man, and an ox. So there are corresponding creature shapes to animals we know on earth that were fallen angels and are in a dimension we cannot see unless God opens our eyes to see them. We can feel them at times, but animals can SEE them. The donkey Baalam in the Bible was riding refused to go forward even with much beating. When the Lord loosed the donkey's tongue, he told Baalam what was in front of them: an angel with a sword who would kill them both if the donkey went forward. If there are such things described in the Bible, why do you question that such creatures still exist? You lack belief in what the God who loves the Jews tells you. To laugh at me is to laugh at God when I tell you what is in the Bible and you still mock. It is you who are in danger if you think there is no such thing as a devil and his bands of millions of fallen angels, some of whom are ape shaped and horrific in their influence. You need to rethink your positions and read some more before attacking what I have said.
21. #20 You definitely have a syndrome
Concerned Citizen ,   USA   (05.26.08)
"Devil and his bands of millions, some of whom are ape shaped and horrific in their influence" still sounds like Ahmadinejad Syndrome. Do you also experience ringing in your ears with club foot in right lower extremity along with dry eyes?
22. Fallen Angels
Dorothy Friend ,   Tel Aviv   (05.26.08)
Doesn't Milton tell us that Satan was the most beautiful creature God ever created?
23. 22 Dorothy Friend: The Bible tells you Satan (Saba-el) can
Rivkah   (05.26.08)
appear as an angel of light and he is called the shining one. The Hebrew word interpreted serpent in the Garden of Eden that tempted Eve also means "shining one". The Bible says Cain was the son of "the evil one", so Eve was seduced by the devil and conceived Cain. She favored Cain because he glowed and looked angelic, although he turned out to be evil and killed his brother Abel. Human men cannot compete with angels that appear in the form of human men. Human women cannot resist angels or it is very difficult to. Lucifer means light or shining one. Angels can shape-shift, so an angel can appear as a human or an animal or as an angel of light in the glory of the heavenly appearance. Look how deceived most Christians have been on the Sabbath. No doubt Satan appeared as an angel of light to the Pope and others who changed the Sabbath to Sunday at the Council of Laodicea for them to believe a commandment of men was equal to a doctrine of God (Saturday Shabbat). Look at all the billions of people (Catholic and Sunday sabbath Protestant) who have been brainwashed into breaking a commandment of God, thinking they are righteous and the Jews and Saturday Shabbat people are wrong. Yes, Satan can appear as the Cherub that Covers which he once was over the throne of God. But he is called other names that reveal his true nature: serpent, shining one, wolf, winged insect, great red dragon, fox that spoils the grapes, raging lion, etc. There are animals in God's kingdom where the Garden of Eden was taken up to. The Messiah will ride a white horse, for example, when he comes to deliver his people at Armageddon. But the Bible calls him
24. #1, 3 & 5
Andrew ,   Yardley, USA   (05.26.08)
"The fool sayeth in his heart, 'There is no God.'"
25. Righteousness
Andrew ,   Yardley, USA   (05.26.08)
Rivkah, I agree with you about the animal spirits bit, but you're wrong about the Sabath. Righteousness isn't conferred by obeying the commandments (one would have to obey all the commandments flawlessly for a lifetime in order to do that); it is conferred by having faith in the Messiah, who "gave his life as an offering for sin" (Isaiah 53).
26. So says the Bible.
reader ,   ohio USA   (05.27.08)
27. Regarding Satan
Jerry ,   Austin,TX   (05.27.08)
Come on guy, please don't quote passages from the bible: it is nothing but fairy tales put together to spread fear and obedience.
28. Religion = Mental Illness
Tevye ,   Colorado Springs, US   (05.27.08)
Why do all the Christers end up thinking they themselves are Jesus Christ?
29. jeruselum syndrome??
lisa ,   usa/nj   (05.27.08)
When people seek out Jesus or God, they automatically become a target from the the devil. Of course the devil will come to lie, kill and destroy thier lives(or attempt to) prior to finding Jesus. Life is a battle of the soul. When one finds themselves with something "missing within themselves" it always comes down to the spirit. You must ask the HOLY SPirit to dwell in you, then you have the power to fight the evil enemy. Flesh fights flesh, and Spirit fights Spirit.
30. mental illness....
lisa ,   nj/ usa   (05.27.08)
Not ALL Christians think like that. Remember when Lucifer wanted to be JUST LIKE GOD from the very begining, he got kicked out of heaven because of his selfish pride. When someone does not maintain contact with GOD, it allows the spirit of deception, delusions to enter in the mind. When you do not read GODS word daily, your mind is in a weakened state and suseptible to the devil telling them they are god. They become "fooled" by these thoughts and believe in them instead of GODS word.
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