61. I am sure that the jews living in Turkey
Erastus CoupeDeVille , |
Ong's Hat, NJ USA |
(06.08.10) |
will meet your aid ship(s) with Israeli flags flying proudly in the wind and the Kurds and Armenians will be dancing in the streets. Go for it.
62. support of Israeli Peace and Aid Flotilla to Turkey
Katherine Sommers , |
Monroe, LA USA |
(06.08.10) |
This sounds like good old Americanism, "put your money where your moth is," which is why we are so closely entwined with Israel. if anyone else is game, we could each donate $5, $10, $25, etc to this effort to expose the world's hypocrisy concerning Israel and the Middle East "Conflicts" that are springing forth new threats to Israel on nearly a daily basis.
63. A favor?
Ken , |
Colfax, CA USA |
(06.08.10) |
Do you have room for Obama on a one way trip?
64. Where was this sentiment
RevCarter , |
Vatican City |
(06.09.10) |
when the Israeli government was supporting the South African apartheid government?
So its ok for the Turks to supply aid to a recognized terrorist organization, but when the Israeli's want to give aid to a "distressed people" you criticize them for the same thing. You Turks are sick.
66. Donations To Israeli-Kurd Flotilla
maven , |
london england |
(06.09.10) |
Can anyone please tell me how I can donate from the UK to the desperatly needed humanitarin Aid Flotilla to Turkey?
67. That wouldn't bring to life the murdered activists
Diego Rodriguez , |
Buenos Aires, Argent |
(06.09.10) |
The responsible for the massacre has to be judged under international law. The fact that the Israel state struck on international waters (wich is considered piracy) also has to be explained. And of course, the criminal blockade to Gaza has to be ended.
68. Students plan counter-flotilla
saiwan amin , |
london ,uk |
(06.09.10) |
verey good idea, and verey brave as a kurd i will support your actione and good luck.
69. Turkish Hypovricy
Dastan , |
Kurdistan |
(06.10.10) |
They all been Hypocrit ,the whole mosulm leaders ,they never talk about the opressin of kurdish people by Turkey, i wish i could come with you to turkey.
70. Kurds has allways supported Israel.
Pshtiwan , |
Kurdistan |
(06.10.10) |
71. Works Both Wats
John Bradley , |
California USA |
(06.12.10) |
Lets see what the UN have to say about this love boat. Behind you 100%
72. Shalom ISRAEL
Marvin Ali , |
Austria |
(06.12.10) |
If Israeli students make this project come true im sure that all kurds will be happy and proud to have an allie like Israel :)
First of all all kurds are not islamic extremists thats a lie then we have many jews as kurds there are kurdish villages in israel i knew :)
73. Turkish lies are getting old!
Robert , |
Granite Bay, USA |
(06.04.13) |
Brutally murdered not only 2 million Armenians but a million Assyrians and greeks also moron!
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