Deri: Haredim, Arabs need to feed their kids too
Moran Azulay
Published: 24.06.13, 17:59
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31. To: No. 12
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (06.25.13)
Why are MY tax dollars, and those of MY friends, going to support the slovenly Neturei Karta and Satmer, who do not even recognize the absolute legitimacy of the State of Israel? You know -- the Neturei Karta and Satmer who breed like flies and refuse to pay taxes, but have absolutely no problem draining the resources of the State of Israel? There is no such thing as an irrelevant subject in colleges and universities. How can learning be irrelevant? We have enough Torah scholars. And what could be the harm if some of these vaunted "Torah scholars" took a three-year hiatus to serve in the military that makes it possible for them to study Torah? It is more than time for the Charedim to shoulder their part of the burden. Heaven knows everyone else is sick and tired of supporting you lazy ignoramuses!
32. The Haredim pay tax?????
Taxpayer ,   Hod Hasharon   (06.25.13)
First of all because there is a tax credit foreach child and the Haredim breed irresponsibly they get massive amounts of tax credits meaning they hardly pay tax at all. Secondly they all get discounts from arnona even though they should be paying a si8rcharge by burdening the system with theoir superflouous children. Thirdly whilst, medicine engineering robotics and science may be useless stuidying what dort of cow we should sacrifice if we ever start world war three and rebuild the temple is hardly of relevance to anyone withhalf a brain. But most importantly of all Lapid has taken a first tentative step in the right direction - let us all hope that child support will only be given for three children before too long - enough subsidizing anti-zionists.
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